
Very Hungry Caterpillar Party Ideas

Sunday, September 9, 2012

 know what you are thinking... I am still months away from Cindy's 2nd birthday but I can't help myself!  I have to start planning now.  Early planning allows maximum do it yourself projects to save money and minimum stress.  I have created the notebook and I am currently collecting ideas and planning the details.  You can see some my inspirations on my Pinterest board HERE

Her party this year is going to be really small.  Just a few friends to celebrate and that's when I thought about putting together a kids table.  How cute is this?!  Our last Ikea trip really inspired me.  When we have play dates I usually let the kids eat on these ikea side tables [$5 bucks each!] and they are perfect.

Well did you know they are also super easy to wash too?!  Instead of doing a runner or something the kiddos will destroy, why not paint right on the table!  All it takes is some washable paint and imagination.  Isn't it cute?!  I consider it my trial run.  The best part is it washes right off.

 I also love these plates and bowls we got there.  You can't beat the price.  A $1.99 for the plates and $1.99 for the bowls.

And I always say a party isn't a party without pom poms.  I spend about $4 for two packs of napkins and this makes more than 15 poms.  You can find the tutorial HERE.  But how cute are these multicolored ones?!  Yup, the theme colors will be lime green and yellow.

I also picked up some Tolsby frames [$1 a piece].  On the main table last year, I spray painted frames and put her pictures on the table.  Well, Tolsby frames come in color YAY!  You can also add printables, or whatever you want in these frames.  I love them.

And kids have to have candy.  These jars are so cheap and are great for candy!  My cousin put licorice and gummy bears in them from her party last year.  This year, I am going to use them to hold lollipops.  I use these in the house in the kitchen to store dry food so no spending extra money.

You can fill the jars with candy [like the lemon heads] or even white beans.  I haven't bought the swirl pops yet so we made Jolly Rancher lollies.  They aren't that cute but you get the idea.

I spiced up the jars by adding ribbon and a printable.  You can find the printables HERE.  Just add a glue dot to the back to hold the ribbon.  So easy! 
So the party prep has begun and get ready to see more Hungry Caterpillar stuff show up on the blog.  You can check out other party ideas on my Party Ideas Tab. 


  1. Great idea to paint the Hungry Caterpillar straight onto the table!!!

  2. Hey, I like the pom poms, will make them for our upcoming birthday party :)

  3. Great post! I wish my photos turned out half as well as yours.....


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