
Pin Tuck Halter Dress

Saturday, September 15, 2012

I am seriously loving the Fab Folds challenge hosted by Rikka over at Richochet and Away right now.  It has inspired me to sew so much.  I can't remember the last time my machine has gotten this much lovin'.  Anywho,  I have been stuck on pin tucks.  They are so simple but just add that special extra little detail.  My newest project is this adorable vintage Pin Tuck Halter dress.

It is a pillow case dress in the truest sense.  I picked up this vintage pillow case eons ago and as soon as I saw those ruffles I knew I wanted to make a dress out of it.  I first cut a basic and simple front piece for the dress.  I kind of free handed this one sorry for the lack of a real tutorial.

Made marks for the pin tucks.  Even pinned them down [ha!].  I ended up adding two more pin tucks as you will see in the finished product.  Then, concealed the raw edges with some bias tape. 
Sew the sides of the dress together and zig zag the raw edge.  Added bias tape to the arm hole section making the strips long enough to be tied like a halter. 
I failed in doing a tutorial for the back.  Nap time is short peeps, maybe next time. Here is a picture of the back so you can sort of get an idea of it.  I just created a casing for the elastic in the back.

But I love the way it turned out!  It looks so sweet on her and the pin tuck detail just adds the special touch.  Not to mention this was probably the easiest dress I have ever made since I didn't have to sew that ruffle on the bottom.  Score!


  1. Fabulous refashion, Patty!!! Well done on not having to make the ruffle. The pintucks are perfect for this dress.

  2. Looks beautiful Patty! Way to go!

  3. I'm so impressed! That ruffled pillow case was begging to be this cute dress. How smart of you to see that!

  4. I love this dress! It's gorgeous!

  5. Looks beautiful -- and the pintucks are just perfect for the pattern and the fabric. Thanks so much for sharing on Busy Monday!

  6. Beautiful, I love it!!I like the pastel colors,... so delicate, I agree with Pam, is a fabulous refashion. Marisa.

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