
Baby Doll Bed

Monday, September 17, 2012

Cindy has recently gotten into "pretend" play and I love it!  Pretending to eat food, feed her babies, and yup putting her dolls to sleep.  Sometimes, I will find her putting her doll in her trash can and saying sleep.  Poor doll, I guess she has to sleep in the trash can.   I finally decided to just try and make her a doll bassinet and here it is!!

It is a little wonky since it is the first pancake flop but it get's the job done.  I haven't given it to her yet because I still want to make a matching doll quilt and pillow.  I got this idea from Dana at Made.  She is amazing.  She doesn't have a tutorial for it but mentioned that she used this plastic canvas for the sides.  Image borrowed from Made.

So, I got some and just gave it a whirl and tried to figure it out.  It isn't  as nice as Dana's but she is a pro so I don't feel bad.  The doll bed is good enough for me.  It has handles so she can hold and carry the baby around and pockets for the baby bottle and a hair brush.

I also added a little squishy pillow mattress  not that the doll will care but I just thought it looked cute.  It fits her favorite doll perfectly!  I am still debating about whether to make a pattern and tutorial.  What do you think?


  1. That is adorable, Patty!!! It looks perfect to me and I bet your daughter will LOVE it!!! Great idea to add the pockets.

  2. I love it! I was going to make a doll bed for my daughter, but then my friend bought her one for her birthday....But I love this!

  3. So cute! Great idea to use the canvas mesh to give it structure! Like the addition of the pockets. Thanks so much for sharing on Busy Monday.

  4. Adorei! :) Obrigada pela dica, minha filha vai adorar!

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  6. Yes, PLEASE do post a picture tutorial! I would love to make one of these for my granddaughter! Thank you!!!

    1. Hi Kanga,

      The tutorial is up and the link is here:

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