
Freezer Paper Stencil on Fabric

Monday, August 20, 2012

I have a new crafting love and it is a shame that I have not used it sooner!  I am a lover of freezer paper and from now onto the next few weeks you will be hearing me gab on and on about it.  First, I love it because it makes the best stencil for painting on fabric.  You can't beat the price, a giant roll of this good stuff for less than three bucks!  The best three bucks I have spent.

I couldn't help myself, I had to make another tote.  But this one serves a specific purpose.  I am working on a curriculum for Cindy for when she turns two.  A sort of formal home preschool for her, but I didn't want to wait six more months to start prepping because it is a ton of work.  This ABC 123 bag is part of that curriculum [I will share more on that later].  Freezer paper is going to be my handy helper in lots of the upcoming projects so jump on the band wagon and get a roll.

I first printed out the letters I wanted to print onto the bag.  You can download this bubble font HERE.   I printed it in gray so that I wouldn't waste all my black ink. 

Then, I took some freezer paper and traced the letter onto it.

Use an exacto knife to cut it out.  It seriously only takes a few minutes to do. 

Place the stencil onto the bag and ironed it on.  Make sure all of it is down and sticking to the bag and the platicy portion is on the bottom.  Then, paint with fabric paint!  Yup, that simple. 

Once the paint dries, you can peel the freezer paper and TADA you have a printed design.  It is super easy and you can really get creative with your designs.  I thought mine was too boring so I created a border around the letters by punching holes in the freezer paper and ironing it on. 
I am in freezer paper heaven.

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