The Splendid Swap Summer Faves is coming to an end and it was so much fun! I just mailed out my box of goodies and I am looking forward to seeing what my partner mailed to me. I got to know a fellow mommy blogger named Kristina and shop for her. She has an adorable little family and our sons aren't too far apart in age. Her son Jack is such a cutie. You can check her blog out at Pretty Rambles.
And since the theme of the swap was summer faves I thought I would share some of my summer faves.....
1. fruit smoothies in my awesome smoothie cup 2. her beach towel robe and pool days 3. still lovin' our Salt Water sandals 4. super bright pink polish 5. avocados all day everyday 6. dainty little necklaces [lovin' lucky feather's charm necklaces and charms].
What are some of your summer faves?
Until next time. Toodles!
Cant wait to see what is in my package. I'm hoping you like what I sent you!!! Couldn't agree more about the avocados!!!!