It's a
MIRACLE.... I actually am doing a Bloggers Bliss on the actual day. I'm usually a day late. Linking up with Heather at
My Borrowed Heaven.
Anywhoo, this month has been bittersweet considering it's our last month in this beautiful state of Colorado. Sad, I know. But enough being sad, let's share what has brought me bliss this month starting with my new Kindle! WOO HOO!
My husband thinks I'm crazy [ha! what's new] but I have had my eye on getting my own tablet since Mother's Day when I missed the sale then. I was so sad when they didn't put them on sale for Father's Day. Well, I contacted Amazon on Facebook suggesting that they should make the Kindles on sale for Father's Day, someone responded that they would pass along the suggestion and they did! I love Amazon! I got a 16GB Kindle Fire for $130. Say what?!
Worth every penny. Getting my own tablet is the best decision I ever made. No more kazillion kid apps, movies, song. No more sharing. I love that the Kindle lets you fully take advantage of having Amazon Prime. I am actually reading books again. I did have to learn to use it since I'm so use to an Apple, but I LOVE IT! Yup
love love love my Kindle. The only downside is there is no camera but I figured out a way to sync all the photos taken on our phones and ipads
[thanks Amazon cloud] so it hasn't been a huge issue. Did I mention I am currently loving Parenthood?
Along with the Kindle I got this amazing app...
ColorNote. I am in love. I feel like this app completely understands the way my brain organizes information.
Okay, yes I'm crazy. The option to write a blog post or create a check list.... all color coded. It's a dream. No more paper and pen and losing my lists. No more rewriting my grocery list or my weekly meal plan. It's a list maker's dream. And it comes with a calendar... color coded. Where has this app been all my life?!
And of course these two little monsters who drive me crazy also bring so much bliss to my world. I love them to pieces especially when I see them interacting having brother sister moments. It's so sweet. It's really special seeing their relationship develop and since he is so little most of their bonding times are spent watching a movie together or me holding up the baby to tackle big sister. He's also a great monster to knock down our block towers.
They sure do know how to melt this mama's heart... holding hands.
This month there have been a lot of camps and activities and seeing this little lady grow up always bring me so much joy. She loves gymnastics and watching her get stronger each class brings so much bliss. I really hope she continues to enjoy it.
That's all from me. What are some things that have brought you bliss in June?
Until next time. Toodles!
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