
Washington DC

Friday, September 30, 2011

I know I know, I have been MIA for awhile but we have been going through a lot of transitions and adjustments.  We left Virginia [and sadly said goodbye to the wonderful Yost family] and are now in sunny Cali.  My poor Boo has had to deal with so many changes in her little baby life. 

Anyways, yesterday was such a sad day, I just couldn't get myself to blog or do anything really.  But since the worst is over [day one of the countdown] I am back and ready to roll.

Sometimes when I get a little sad I like to look back on pictures and soak in all the good memories they hold.  So here are some pictures of our most recent family vacation and probably the last one in awhile.  Can you guess where we went since we were in Virginia?

Yup, Washington DC.  I like to think that it was the baby's first educational field trip hehe.

But before we even got there we kinda got lost on the subway.  It was my first time riding on a subway in the US and it was surprisingly very easy.  I highly reccomend it!

We stopped and spent most of the day visiting all the memorials.  Our first stop was the Washington Memorial.  Because of the earthquake it was blocked off so that was kind of a bummer.

We then saw the World War II memorial. 
And lots of other war memorials...

My favorite was of them all was going to the Lincoln Memorial.  Aren't my two loves just the cutest!?

It was pretty amazing.

And to give you a little perspective on just how big the writing on the wall is, the baby and I stood in front of it. 

After the memorials we went to see the white house.
Boo Bear tried to climb the fence [guess she wanted to say hi to the president Obama].

And as if we didn't see enough that day we walked and walked to Ford's theater to see where Lincoln got shot but sadly it closed at 11:00am.  So then we decided to go to the national archives and saw this very cute old post office on the way surrounded by all these modern buildings.

We made it in time to see the Consitution and Declaration of Independence but sadly no pictures were allowed.  It was a long, hot and humid trip but we had so much fun!  I wish I could be back there together as one little happy family.


  1. I love DC! What a beautiful place with so many historical things! They have one of the best subway systems in America and the Lincoln memorial is AMAZING! I'm so glad you all had a great time together! Missing you from Germany!

  2. Glad you enjoyed your visit to DC. Miss you!!!!


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