
Tutorial: How to Make Big Hair Bow Clips

Saturday, October 6, 2012

For the past few days I have been going bow crazy!  Now that my Boo Bear's hair is long enough to put in one pony it is time for the big southern boutique bows!!  I bought a few when we were stateside for super cheap at Downtown LA and I mean cheap like a dollar a big bow.  I miss that... But cheap-o me doesn't want to pay a fortune out here so I decided to make some with some ribbon from my collection.

This one is probably my favorite.  It looks so cute on her when she wears it with her leotard!!!

Not too shabby for my first time.  I am not at all a fan of bow making and I wish I could say it is so easy but I had a really hard time figuring it out.  Mainly figuring out how to fold it.  I probably lack the coordination and patience for bow making.  I watched THIS YouTube video about 20 times and tried and tried until I finally got the hang of it.  

I also took the clip tip from THIS tutorial when adjusting the bow.  I just don't like the way she created the bow.  Too confusing for me. 

 So, I combined the two and came up with my own.  I cut a big piece of ribbon, folded and I pin the middle.  Clipped it with my salon clip, take the pin out and adjust.  Then carefully fold it in the center.  I check the back to make sure everything is even.
Sew through the ribbon a few times and then wind the rest of the thread around.  Trim and then heat seal the edges with a lighter so it doesn't fray.

Glue to clips.  I personally like the alligator clips because the teeth or ridges hold really nice in her hair. The rest you can figure out or get from the youtube video.

I also made mini bow sets.  Cute right?  I ordered her a baby blue leotard and so I made those and then kind of went over the edge.  To make these, cut a long strip.  Fold the left side over to the right and vice versa.  Pin it in the middle.  Pinch the middle and sew it a few times followed by winding the rest of the thread. 
Trim and heat seal the edges.  Then glue onto clips.

It took me some time to figure it out but once I got the hang of it I was zooming.  I even added some buttons on some of them. 

Looking for some inspiration?  I follow booowlover on instagram.  They have some really adorable bows! 


  1. You're on a roll, Patty!!! They all look great.

  2. Cute! Love the patterned ribbons you chose! Thanks for linking on Busy Monday!

  3. Wow, these ideas for hair decorations are so cute, i love your work, thanks for sharing.

  4. The video you link to is no longer there.

  5. I really love all these collection. Its amazing and beautiful. Thanks
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  6. Great Post! Thanks for your share! I like reading your post. Where do you buy ribbon from Yama Ribbon ?


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