
Tutorial: Felt Cookies

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

So remember the Fab Fold Challenge I took this month?  Well it's time to vote on the things we all made.  I came up with that Pin Tuck Travel Clutch and did the Pin Tuck Dress.  Show me some love and vote for my clutch HERE at Ricochet and Away!

And in other news, life has been a whirl wind.  I keep thinking the pace we are running at will slow to a light stroll but it isn't looking that way.  Busy busy busy is really what is has been, but I don't mind it too much.  We have been doing lots of fun things!  And in order for me to do new fun crafty things I need to finish those half done projects, like these yummy felt cookies. 

I have a friend who is awesome at making felt food.  Seriously, I don't know how she has the patience for it.  She inspired me to even make these for Cindy.  St. Nick told me she was getting a tea set for Christmas so I thought felt cookies would be perfect for our tea party.  Aren't they just darling?  They are essentially really easy to make but the thought of hand sewing,  slowly,  just doesn't float my boat.

Since they are basically just circles I thought I would just give you a mini tutorial. The chocolate chip ones are a no brainer so I'm going to skip that.  For the lemon heart jelly cookies you will need three pieces.  Sew the heart and the yellow piece and blanket stitch 3/4 of the way around. 

Fill it with some filling.  You don't need to buy some, just use filling from an old pillow you don't care for or tear apart an old stuffed animal you don't want. 

Now, these cookies are my favorite in real life.  So soft and sugary.  YUM!!!  You will need different colored embroidery floss and a large hole needle for this one.  Begin by sewing long lines on top of the pink and the cream.  You don't just want to do the lines on the pink section or else you will be able to see those stitches when you place the frosting on the cream.  Then, do small stitches to secure the frosting on the cream felt. 

Blanket stitch 3/4 of the way around, stuff, and close.  In minutes you will have a yummy cookie!


  1. You are on a roll! So many great tutorials! I really need to make felt food for my daughter, thanks for this idea.

  2. These are adorable! Thanks for linking them up. Please feel free to link up as many felt posts as you would like. I'm hoping for the party to become a great felt tutorial resource.

  3. It’s long overdue, but I’m finally posting features from my Felt Food & Projects Roundup on Year great idea will be featured tomorrow. Don’t forget to stop by and grab a featured button!


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