
Watermelon Baby Bassinet

Sunday, July 15, 2012

It isn't Friday for Pin it and Do it Friday, but this is the pin that I did this week.  No better excuse to try those pins that have been building up than by making something for a party.  I was going to a baby shower this week and knew that this stinkin cutie watermelon bassinet was perfect. You can find the pin here.

It is super easy to put together and thank goodness because were running late and I was rushing.  I first cut a cantelope in half and began taking off the skin to make the baby face.  With some shaping I was able to get this half circle.

Cut a little hole for the pacifier and tiny ones for the eyes. You could use watermelon seeds for the eyes but I used chocolate chips.

I then created little balls from the melon. I don't have a melon baller yet so I used my metal measuring spoons and it worked just fine.

Now onto the watermelon.  Cut like so and start getting rid of the insides using a melon baller or a 1 tbsp metal measuring spoon.  There was another one of these at the shower and they created a design on the top rim and it was adorable.  Finish it by scraping the inside really well.

Then start filling it with the fruit and place the head inside. Before long you will have an adorable fruit display. The other one at the shower had wheels that were made using orange rings and grapes.  I loved it and you can see an example here. If you have time you can really creative and create and entire fun fruit display.


  1. ah-dorable! yet again, I am amazed at how crafty you are.

  2. i love it:) i had a question if the baby shower is on a saturday afternoon at what time should the watermelon bassinet be made

    1. You can prep everything the night before and right before. Put all the fruit in zip locks or tupper ware and cover the bassinet. Right before the party just put it all together.


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