
Building Confidence

Monday, July 16, 2012

Thanks to running I had enough confidence to pick up a power drill and build something.  Sounds a bit odd but in all seriousness, running has helped give me a confidence that I never had before.  It has been almost two months since I started my journey of getting fit for life.  If you haven't been following along, I have been setting mini monthly goals to get my mind motivated to exercise and my body moving.  The first month was a 10 minute work out video a week and this month it is running a mile a week.

Running has been a challenge and it has given me a confidence in my mind.  When I go out running I set little goals as to how far I want to run without stopping... pass the water thingy, to the bench, to the tunnel, the full mile.  Each benchmark I hit, broke that nagging I can't in my mind.  I realized that the reason why I can't reach that itty bitty achievable goal is because I said I can't.  Small as it may be, it feels like a huge accomplishment when my entire lower half burns, my breathing is out of sync, my lungs are screaming for a break but I keep on pushing until I reach that mini goal I set.

When it comes to putting things together, the hubby is always the one using the power drill because I have told myself I can't, I don't know how.  That pesky I can't has weaseled it's way into  another area of my life.  This week I said I can and I am going to build something.  I really wanted to make Cindy a book display, I had a plan in my mind and I set out to make it happen.  Through the process [just like the process of getting fit for life] I learned a lot.  Not only to use the drill and the saw but also how things get put together.

My first attempt was a bust.  It was small and wobbly.  Sort of like that first time I went out on the track.  I couldn't even run an entire lap.  But I set small goals that I know my body could reach, pushed myself and kept going.

And just like with running, I didn't stop with that small wobbly book display.  I used what I learned and built another one and though it isn't aesthetically beautiful, it is solid and gets the job done.
Running has given me a confidence that has permeated other areas of my life.  Don't let your dream or goal end with I can't. 

As for me, it doesn't end here though because I want excercise to be apart of my life.  So do want to join me?  This coming month, my goal is to not only run a full mile a week but to do it pushing my Boo Bear without stopping.

1 comment:

  1. love the bookshelf, and good for you for getting out there and pushing yourself!!!!


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