
Paper Pom Pom Tutorial

Monday, January 23, 2012

Aaahhhhh  I have so so so many things to finishing prepping for Cindy's birthday party I sometimes wonder why I am throwing such a big extravaganza.  If you could see my planning notebook you would understand.

Anywhoo, there are these wooden post thingys at the venue where the party will be held that are perfect to hang these pom poms on so I knew they were a must!  Martha Stewart of course sells them in "kits" that cost about $10-$14 for a pack of 8-10 but I think it's a rip off.  You still have to assemble everything yourself!  I can get  8 gigantic poms for $1.99 using a pack of Ikea napkins, plus I get to customize the colors to the party.  Aren't they adorable?!

 I used the tutorial found on the Martha Stewart website, but after making two I came upon a problem.  The poms just looked a little pathetic no matter how much paper I used.  It didn't look like a full circle and it looked... just blah.  Can you see the difference?!

So the mathematical side of me thought, they do it in halves but I can make it fuller if the the pom was broken up into fourths.  And guess what, it worked so much better!

  I first made a holder for the string by using some left over card stock from the bridal shower invitations.  This is optional.

1.  Cut the paper in squares.
2. Cut little notches on each end [to prevent the string from sliding off the card stock].
3. Place a dot of hot glue onto the card stock and glue one of the string.
4.  When the glue dries, start wrapping it around.  

Instead of string you can also use fishing line.

Now open up the napkin pack and take out six napkins. 

1. Take THREE of the six napkins open them up and stack them one on top of the other.
2.  Fold it over about a half of an inch to an inch.  The size of the fold will affect the look of pom.  
3. Flip it over and fold it the other way until you get to the end [like creating a fan]

It will look like this when fully finished.  Then repeat for the other three napkins.

1. Once both are complete, lay them next to each other and tie the string right in the middle.  
2. Be sure all the ends are lined up or else you will end up with a lopsided pom. 
3. I like to place a dot of glue in the middle to hold the piece of string.

Take one bunch and scallop the ends.  You can cut the ends however you wish, to create a different look.  I just like the scalloped. 

Now for the fun part!  I love these napkins because each napkin is actually three thin sheets.  Now that is quality!  So gently peel the three pieces apart.

Take the first piece and move it all the way to the center.  Continue to do it until it is all fluffed.  Then go to the opposite end and repeat covering the center.

Flip it over and fluff the rest of the pieces until you are finished.

Hang it and WALA you have the cutest little party decoration ever!  You can even make little baby poms!  I love them.  Anything itty bitty is just darling.

It may look like a lot of work but it seriously take about 15 minutes or less to make one.  I just like to be thorough in my tutorials.  Wondering how I am storing them until the party?!  Well, they are all hanging out in my closet along with all the party stuff I am accumulating.  They are patiently waiting for the Dr. Suess Birthday extravaganza.

Anyone want to come over and help me make about 20 more of these?!


  1. I made some of these with tissue paper for Hadley's birthday. My only tip: cut a small upside-down "V" notch into each side of the halfway point of the tissue paper/napkin before tying the string around it. It makes the middle point smaller & opens it up, so you can make them full & fluffy and still only do halves. It also takes some of the tightness off the middle so it keeps the tissue paper from tearing when you are pulling the layers apart :)

  2. If your in the boston area.... Ill help. Im going to make some for my baby shower and need the practice z

  3. I made these for my brithday and they looked fabulous, thanks for the handy tips :)

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