
Simply Cases

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Not much crafting going on this week [sad... and yes my machine is sad too].  The main reason is because I have run out of the essential supplies it takes to keep me running [glue sticks, new fabric, wipes cases, and zippers].   I don't exactly have the luxury of going out to Walmart to replenish my supply....  FINGERS CROSSED that my new fabric is in my mail box waiting to be picked up tomorrow. 

I did somehow manage to squeeze out three wipes cases.  I have decided to start something I would like to call Simply Cases. I realize that not everyone wants a set [diaper and wipes cozee] and some people use cloth diapers so now these cases are going solo!

I hope to get many more of these out, quilted and non quilted.

They are brand new Huggies travel cases loaded with 16 wipes [though I shove way more in there]

They cases are covered in 100% cotton fabric, even the trim.

Mine lives in my purse and I am planning on making one for the car as well.

It just makes the boring old wipes case so much more COZEE! [and so darn cute]

And for the price?! It's a steal [seriously].  Six dollars for the non quilted [plus $2 for S&H]. 

So if you like one, check it out on my facebook page and let me know because once a certain case is sold it is gone forever. 

I also managed to get a few passport covers done because I sold out of the last batch and will post these on my facebook page as well.  They are $5 [$1 S&H].  If you want one let me know.

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