
Keeping the House Tidy During the Pandemic

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

We all have different thresholds for tidy.   On a tidy scale of 1 being don’t care and 10 being OCD I would rank about a 7.  This to say, I wish our home was clutter free home and I like for things to be clean but I’m not a super neat freak.  ALSO, no shame depending on where you are on the scale. 

I am a person who can think clearer and am less overwhelmed when things are tidy.  I notice this about my kiddos as well.  They tend to play more with their toys when there is less, know where everything is and it isn’t so “busy”.

Knowing my expectation for tidy, what is my solution to getting our rhythm back in the midst of everyone at home during this pandemic?  First and foremost TRACKING

Habit tracking is a simple way to measure whether you did something or didn’t.  It also helps you to see if something is important or isn’t.  I’ve been tracking what we are cleaning and when with Clean Mama's calendar and BOY is it telling!  Its telling me I need to clean my bathroom 😂.   Okay all joking aside, it’s a great guideline for me to see what chores are left undone and who to assign what chores to. 

Here is what tracking has taught me:

1. Can’t get mad at having a messy house if we as a family aren’t putting in the work to clean the house.

2. I CAN verbalize if I’m the only one doing most of the work but not the only one living in the house 😉

3. My family and I need to work on putting things away and thorwing things away.  This would reduce clutter and work.

4. Will try to implement a 20 minute tidy after dinner before we relax. 

5. I need to stop buying more stuff, I’m seeing the clutter build up in different corners of the house again.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the state of your home during this pandemic, TRACK your cleaning habits.  Having information from tracking allows you to tackle the task with a plan!  My plan this week is to implement for quick 10-20 minute cleans and to get the whole family to finish the daily cleaning tasks right after breakfast. 

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