
Plastic Bag Holder

Monday, October 10, 2011

Have you noticed I am a practical seamtress.  I realized that most things I make are pretty practical and useful.  I guess it comes from the thrifty side of me.  Any who, my mother in law has lots and lots and lot and lots and lots of plastic bags in her pantry right now that are screaming for a cozee.  She actually asked me to make her a plastic bag holder and WALA!

Ever have this problem?  You collect these little puppies and use them here and there.  Then you shop some more, collect some more and before you know it they take over!  Bags bags everywhere.

My solution is the plastic bag holder.  It's a cozee to house all those little bags and it will help you pack rats from collecting more than you need.  Yes, I am talking to myself.  I always think I need a million of them, but I have been really good and once my cozee is full I just recycle the left overs.  Yup patting myself on the back.  Just fill it up as much as possible and you are ready to go.

Something practical and really cute.  The one at my house isn't nearly as cute, but I think I will be making one for the nursery for those extra stinky diapers if you know what I mean.

It ties at the top and I figure this would be better so that you can essentially hang it anywhere.  I plan on making a few of these and we will see how well they do at the threadery.  If not, then they will make great giveaways for those of you reading out there or to friends and family who have a trash bag problem.


  1. I love, love, love this idea! Great invention!!! And the fabric is super cute and soft {I already saw it in person hehe}
    Super practical and eco- friendly!

  2. Those are so cute!! I just love the fabric you chose. I can't wait to meet you at The THreadery in 11 days, yikes! The hotel on my blog is called Barcelo and it was wonderful. I highly recommend it!

  3. Love the sack holder! i am exploitation Feebly, and you are already in it as a result of I migrated all of my feeds from Google Reader. it's formally converted to the Feebly Cloud, thus i am sensible to travel.handbag holder As for foundation piecing, I like employing a deep-freeze paper technique as a result of I will recycle the foundations as several as 10 times.You square measure thus inventive and genius! These are thus cute! it had been nice looking with you a little. i am glad you were ready to build it down.

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