Free Moving Announcement Template
Monday, September 30, 2013
Craving Some BBQ from Arby's
Thursday, September 26, 2013
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Arby's for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.
You all know I'm pregnant and with that comes lovely cravings. They have been all over the map the last few weeks. Sweet, salt, sour... and sometimes I crave something more specific like some good BBQ. We haven't found a good BBQ place around here yet so off to Arby's to satisfy my tummy. I love Arby's cheddar roast beef sandwich so I thought I would give the BBQ a chance.
Right after school, little love bug and I went for a lunch date. We missed our Tuesday donut date so I figured I would make it up to her with lunch.
I got the new Smokehouse Brisket sandwich and it was amazing!!! My favorite part was the fried crispy onions. Yummy!!
Smoked for 13 hours, slathered in a special sauce, Gouda, crispy onions, on a toasted bun... Heavenly. Doesn't it look amazing. I love their Arby's sauce so I loaded some of that on there too. The best part was they had a coupon for a free Bacon Cheddar so love bugs lunch was free. Score!
As I was ordering there was this lingering sign for a salted caramel milk shake that I just couldn't turn down. Yup, I got one. Let's just say the little lady had more of it than I did. She kept insisting it was her drink and the juice was mine. I love salted caramel and this hit the spot!
Watching the commercial makes me want to run out and get another one. With yummy curly fries and some Arby's sauce.
Doesn't all this food talk make you want to run out and get some food! Use the link below to find an Arby's near you.
What do you think you will love most about the new Arby's Smokehouse Brisket Sandwich?
Why I Choose Printed Cards Vs. Online
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Fall Lessons: Leaf Stamping, Life Cycle of a Tree
Monday, September 23, 2013

Hello Fall!
Sunday, September 22, 2013
4 cups all-purpose flour
4 teaspoons baking powder
2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 can (30 ounces) Libby's Pumpkin Pie Mix
1 cup granulated sugar
1 cup packed brown sugar
1 can of evaporated milk
2 eggs
2 tablespoon vegetable oil
1/2 cup chopped nuts
Guess What.... I'm Having a BABY!
Friday, September 20, 2013
How many weeks?
13 weeks and one day.
How do you feel?
I feel awesome. This pregnancy has been the completely opposite of the first one. I read back at my pregnancy journals, compare them and am amazed at the significant differences in everything. I have to say I was really miserable with the first pregnancy, but who wouldn't be when they are throwing up 10 times a day for the entire first trimester and some. I remember it got so bad I finally got a prescription. I also broke out like a 13 year old and had crazy oily hair. It was miserable...
This pregnancy on the other hand has been a walk in the park. Some nausea but nothing major because I can eat normal three meals a day. No pimples, no crazy oily hair. I do get heart burn, head aches, and a crazy case of bloating [never had that issue with the first one] but all manageable. Sadly, I am not one of those lovely ladies who loves being pregnant.... I can only really name three things I truly enjoy about actually being pregnant, but I am trying really hard to enjoy this one.
Do you want a boy or a girl?
I get this question a ton. Before getting pregnant I really really really wanted to have a little man just because I have a little lady. But now that the idea can actually be a reality, the idea of having a little boy just freaks me out. I grew up in the land of women. I know what to do with a little girl... I've taken care of tons of little girls, but having an itty bitty boy in my care, it scares me. Bottom line, I would of course be happy with a little man and equally so with a little lady. I would probably be more comfortable having a little lady. Aww and the thought of a little sister for my love bug melts my heart. I have two so I know how awesome sisters are. And if you are wondering, I think I'm going to have a little girl.
Nickname for the new baby?
Baby Bear. We are all bears in this family. This name one was given our my love bug. The first ultra sound we had we told her that was the baby on the screen and she said a Baby Bear?! It kind of stuck from there.
So, there's the big news! Please keep me and Baby Bear in your prayers as we grow together in this pregnancy.
Happy Friday everyone!
Quilt Along Part 3: Plus Quilt
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Crazy Storms and Unpacking
Monday, September 16, 2013
Up Up and Away Baby Shower [Party in a Box]
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
She also wanted to have white pom pom clouds just like the ones from the Weather Themed Baby Shower So I prepped them and included the felt raindrops for her to attach.
Happy Wednesday,

Welcome home friends! I'm Patty May! Teacher at heart and learner for life. Lover of all crafty things and total book nerd. I'd love to sit at the table, have coffee, and share life. But for now, I hope you hang out. Enjoy the how to's, heart to hearts, and share what is on your heart.
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- Craving Some BBQ from Arby's
- Why I Choose Printed Cards Vs. Online
- Fall Lessons: Leaf Stamping, Life Cycle of a Tree
- Hello Fall!
- Guess What.... I'm Having a BABY!
- Quilt Along Part 3: Plus Quilt
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- Up Up and Away Baby Shower [Party in a Box]
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