
Happy Thursday

Thursday, June 20, 2013

"Relationships, not achievements or the acquisition of things is what matters most in life." 
"The importance of things can be measured by how much time we are willing to invest in them."

I read these two sentences in my devotional [Purpose Driven Life] and it pushed away my feeling of being "behind"... Behind on blogging, late on my monthly email update, slow at starting my next craft and delayed on my upcoming party endeavors.  It reminded me that these things are important, but not as important as time with my hubby and little miss. 

I know I got back from vacation two weeks ago but before that trip our family was separated for a few weeks thanks to a temporary deployment [a short one].  We weren't just recovering from the trip but  rebuilding life together as a family.  Getting back into the swing of things, back into a routine usually takes some time.  Whether the hubby is gone one week or six months it always feels like we have to "start over".  It's not easy.  

I really don't like doing anything until I feel like my world is back in order and I don't just mean a clean house.  So, now that things are coming back to normal I thought I would share what has made me happy these past two weeks...

Spending time with my better half, mostly watching Downton Abbey.  I got it for my birthday, we started it two weeks ago and yup already on season three.  It's so GOOD!
  Hanging out with my little lady has filled my heart with happiness.  Going for walks, feeding the ducks, trips to the park, watching movies, teaching her to cook, and a little crafting [even if I am the one doing most of it.]

Having a clean house, empty laundry bin [and having all the clothes put away] makes me SO happy.  It doesn't happen often but when it's empty even just for a day I'm happy.  

So now that our entire family is back to our normal routines I finally have a little peace.  Back to my routines, lists, and world of crafts
Happy Thursday!

1 comment:

  1. Your world is so fun! Downtown Abbey is on my list to start watching too!


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