Easy Christmas Card Holder
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Dreaming of Puerto Rico
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Puerto Rico, The All-Star Island for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.
We love to travel and this year I have the perfect excuse to take a summer vacation. It's going to be our five year anniversary! That's a big one right?! Well to me it is and I am dreaming of second tropical honeymoon. I love being at the beaches... our first honeymoon in Hawaii and the thought of that awesome family vacation to Mallorca, Spain makes me want to hop on a plane right now and head straight for the beach. After seeing this video, my next summer location of choice is most definitely Puerto Rico!
Puerto Rico has 270 miles of coastine and Flameco Beach is named one of the best beaches in the world. How awesome it would be... sitting with my toes in the sand enjoying the sun. I was checking out some of the images from the Marriott Resort in San Juan [we love the Marriott] and even the beach on the resort looks amazing.
I would love to head to the El Yunque rainforest [the one in the video]and take a hike, see the waterfalls and climb as high as we can go. It would be awesome to go horse back riding with all that gorgeous scenery or check out the Camuy caverns. My history buff hubby would of course want to spend the day in San Juan.
The best part about Puerto Rico is that you don't need to exchange your moneyn or a passport to go there! Just hop on the plane and go. They have so many attractions and gorgeous beaches I know it would for sure be a 5 star vacation!
Want to take a trip this summer too? Live your own 5-star vacation story in Puerto Rico. What would you want to do or see if you could go to Puerto Rico? Keep the dream alive and Like SeePuertoRico.com on Facebook and Follow @PRTourismCo on Twitter.
Carton Smart Chicken Pot Pie
Monday, December 16, 2013
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Carton Smart for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.
When it gets cold [and I mean 0 degrees cold] there is nothing I want more than something warm to eat. One of our favorite home cooked meals is chicken pot pie. Homemade chicken pot pie was just the comfort food I needed too after the crazy day I had. Doesn’t it look so yummy!!
What made it even better is the flavorful Pacific Food stock that I used for the recipe.
I love Pacific Food’s because they are a brand committed to providing tasty products that is also better for the environment. The cartons are made of 70 percent recycled paper and use 1/3 of the packaging compared to cans!
It may not seem like much to use a carton that is better for the environment, but these small acts of smartness over time do make a difference. I didn’t even realize how many other products came in came in cartons both food and drinks!
I know my hubby can't wait for me to use this for some pumpkin chocolate chip cookies.
Definitely saving the Jellied Cranberry for our second turkey dinner this Christmas.
And here is a picture of the stock that I used in the recipe.
Check out the website to see their other carton smart foods or visit Become Carton Smart for inspiration and links to where to find more carton products. Definitely going to stock up our pantry with some of their soups! My little lady loves soup!!
This recipe isn’t any family secret, it’s actually on allrecipes, you can find the link HERE. Hubby loves it’s classic taste and it’s a winner.
I skip the peas because we don’t like peas and stick to carrots and celery.
When mixing the sauce I use Pacific Food stock.
Add the filling on the bottom, pour the sauce on top and you are 30-35 minutes from some delicious comfort food.
So the next time you are making a meal this holiday season think about being carton smart. How can you swap out one of your usual ingredients for one found in a carton? Be sure to follow Carton Smart on twitter Tweet @CartonSmart and Follow #CartonSmart on Pinterest.
Fun Christmas and Winter Themed Food
Friday, December 13, 2013
Our Minifigure Lego Holiday Card
Thursday, December 12, 2013
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of LEGO for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.
I know that you can build anything with LEGO and now you can even do it virtually! This is a really cute and fun little online activity you can do with the kiddos [or whoever really]. This morning my Boo Bear and I sat on the computer and put together our little holiday LEGO photo to email to family. As you can she she created this scene herself.
It's really easy and fun, just head on over to LEGO Minifigure Family and get started. You can have up to 13 members in your picture but only four for us [she wanted to include baby brother]. We started with daddy and I let her customize everything. Peachy skin, his expression, and I guess she couldn't find hair that matched his so she chose to put him in a football helmet. What a hoot! It's probably because they watch football together. I was the only normal looking one.
When the people are finished you can choose a scene. They even have an office scene! How funny would it be to create one with your co-workers and mail it to them. She wanted a jungle one but the closest one we could find was the fall scene.
Then it's time to share. If you are emailing it you can add a Yetti that pops out at the bottom.
We had a great time me mostly laughing this morning about it. So head over to LEGO Minifigure Family and make your own!
Christmas Round Up
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Free Printout for Paper Nativity
Monday, December 9, 2013
Christmas Advents
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Welcome home friends! I'm Patty May! Teacher at heart and learner for life. Lover of all crafty things and total book nerd. I'd love to sit at the table, have coffee, and share life. But for now, I hope you hang out. Enjoy the how to's, heart to hearts, and share what is on your heart.
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