Ever since I started following the blog Meet the Dubiens I was inspired to create adorable lunches and snacks. I love her blog! It's simple, the pictures are gorgeous, and the lunches she creates are amazing to say the least. So the last few months, I have taken the time to make a special little lunch for my love bug. For now it's only once a week. She LOVES it and I love that when lunches are fun she eats all of her food. This one is my favorite so far. The peanut butter and jelly fish sandwich.
Now that she knows I can make fun things with her food she is always asking to me to make something special. For a week straight I heard her request a bear for lunch and dinner. She loves grilled cheese.
Here is the one I made for when we had our God Made Me lesson. You can buy the eyeballs at any store that has a baking section, but if you get them at Joann's or Michael's you can use their coupons to get the discount because the eyes are a little pricey.
And instead of me always making her a lunch for Fun Lunch sometimes I let her get involved. She loved making her own pizza and adding the toppings.
The fun lunch rolled into her wanting to get involved. It's so neat to see her get creative. She requested to make her very own peanut butter and jelly from start to finish. She put the eyes on, the nose, mouth and then insisted he needed eyebrows. Oh and marshmallows too. Love it!
I usually do it on Wednesday and post the picture on Instagram [makeitcozeee]. If you want to join in on the fun I would love to see pictures of your creative lunches and snacks too!! Tag me in your insta photo or #makeitcozeee.
Happy Thursday everyone,
I looove following you in Instagram! These are such fun lunches. My mom wasn't this creative, but she did make me "sammiches" (as I called them) in any shape I wanted. My favorites were always cats or snowmen... come to find out later, she'd eat the rest of the unwanted sandwich for her lunch haha.