
Happy Halloween!

Thursday, October 31, 2013

It's been a busy and full month.  Lots of ups and downs.  I can't believe October is gone and I am hoping next month will be better.  Anywhoo, just wanted to wish you all a Happy Halloweenie!!  Be safe out ther and don't eat too much candy.  I really should be telling myself that... Off to grandma's house we go!  More on the Little Red Riding Hood costume later.

Happy Halloween!

Halloween Themed Fun Lunch Wednesday

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

I can't believe how fast Halloween crept up this year!  Before I share the lunches I wanted to share the snacks I am bringing to the Halloween party tomorrow at Boo Bears school.  How fun are these green Frankenstein rice crispy treats?!  Okay so they took a lot longer to make then I thought but totally worth it.  If you are wondering what those things on the side of his head are it's mini marshmallows dipped in melted green candy melts.  I used pretzels to keep them in.  I had to throw something healthy in there so boo-nanas it is and some raisins.  Can't wait to see the kids reaction. 

Okay so on to the fun lunches for the month.... A spooky owl.

A mummy hot dog with a creepy crawler.  She loved this one because she loves hot dogs.

The Nutella Frankenstein sandwich.  Who wouldn't love chocolate for lunch?!

And last but not least the mummy sandwich.

If you want to join in on the fun I post a fun lunch on Wednesdays on instagram.  Would love to see what you come up with so tag me in your photo! 

Happy Wednesday everyone

Time Out

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

This week has been one of those week you just wish you could fast forward.  Between being sick and other family issues I am beat and definitely in need of a time out.  Taking it easy and will be back soon and hopefully doing a little better. 

Halloween Movie Night

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

I la la la love holiday movies.  Mostly Christmas movies but there are some good Halloween ones too.  I grew up watching Hocus Pocus.  We use to love that movie as kids [on VHS].  We would watch it even if it wasn't Halloween.  Love bug is still a little young for that movie so we stuck with the Peanuts because you can't go wrong there.  There are some cute little stories in this DVD, It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown.  She loved it.  I ended up falling asleep, which is usually what happens when I watch the Peanuts.

I did however stay awake for the time I was stuffing my face with popcorn and candy corn.  It's not Halloween without candy corn!  I love candy corn and apparently so does my Boo Bear.

As a special treat, love bug and I made cupcakes.  This was the first time she actually stayed through the whole baking process and actively participated.  Such a special time for me.  I've always dreamed of having a little girl to bake with.

Remember these from the Halloween Snacks Ideas.  I mixed it up a little bit.  The tongues are fruit roll ups, the horns are broken up candy melts, and you can get those eye balls in any baking section.  They were yummy too!

It was a fun night, especially for me since I got to take a cat nap.  I love Peanuts but can't wait to watch Hocus Pocus.  What's your favorite Halloweenie movie?

Noah's Heart

Monday, October 21, 2013

Awhile ago, dear friend of mine from college asked me to share this story of a remarkable boy that she knows.  His name is Noah and when he was nine years old doctors discovered that he suffered from Restrictive Cardiomyopathy (RCM).  What's even more devastating is that a pacemaker or defibrillator would not be enough but Noah will need a heart transplant.  He's been on the list now for 397, days 22, hours, 45 minutes and still counting.  They don't know where he is on the list or when he could get one.  You can read more about his story HERE.

There is nothing that breaks my heart more than an innocent kid who has to suffer with a condition such as this.  I can't even imagine what his parents went through when they found out the news and how they are able to stay strong through this difficult time in their lives.  I read stories like this and can't help but feel so helpless.  What can one person really do?  

Well, Noah's mom put together a great website to raise support for her son and others with practical ways you and I can both help.  The biggest way to help is to show your love through prayer and encouragement.  Add Noah to your prayer list.  They have a list of prayer requests on the site.  On November 12th he has an appointment with the transplant team so mark that on your calendar and say a prayer for them.  If God has financially blessed your family consider donating to help Noah and his.  You can read the cost break down of and how you can help them financially.  And of course you can consider being an organ donor.  I never really thought of this until learning about Noah, but this is something I will be considering. 

I'm going to be praying and following the Lietzau family through their journey.  If you want to also sign up for their monthly email HERE.  If you have a facebook, twitter, blog, be sure to share Noah's story as well.  

Fun Lunch Sandwiches: Little Lady, Fish, Bear

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Ever since I started following the blog Meet the Dubiens I was inspired to create adorable lunches and snacks.  I love her blog!  It's simple, the pictures are gorgeous, and the lunches she creates are amazing to say the least.  So the last few months, I have taken the time to make a special little lunch for my love bug.  For now it's only once a week.  She LOVES it and I love that when lunches are fun she eats all of her food.  This one is my favorite so far.  The peanut butter and jelly fish sandwich.

Now that she knows I can make fun things with her food she is always asking to me to make something special.  For a week straight I heard her request a bear for lunch and dinner.  She loves grilled cheese. 

Here is the one I made for when we had our God Made Me lesson.  You can buy the eyeballs at any store that has a baking section, but if you get them at Joann's or Michael's you can use their coupons to get the discount because the eyes are a little pricey.

And instead of me always making her a lunch for Fun Lunch sometimes I let her get involved.  She loved making her own pizza and adding the toppings.  

The fun lunch rolled into her wanting to get involved.  It's so neat to see her get creative.  She requested to make her very own peanut butter and jelly from start to finish.  She put the eyes on, the nose, mouth and then insisted he needed eyebrows.  Oh and marshmallows too.  Love it!

 I usually do it on Wednesday and post the picture on Instagram [makeitcozeee].  If you want to join in on the fun I would love to see pictures of your creative lunches and snacks too!!  Tag me in your insta photo or #makeitcozeee.  

Happy Thursday everyone,


Growing Plants/Grass in a Mason Jar

Monday, October 14, 2013

About two weeks ago I shared some fall lessons that we did and in the second one, we actually tried to grow something.  And guess what it worked!!

I saw these mason jar plants online and after failing to find cheap pots I decided the jars will do.  I do not at all have a green thumb, in fact I have killed every plant I've come into contact with.  I did remember a few years ago, the best first grade teacher I worked with telling me growing grass is fool proof.  I guess that's why they grow it every spring with the kids.   So for 50 cents I really didn't have much to lose.  If you saw the lesson you would know we put rocks on the bottom, then potting soil, last the seeds.

We watered it everyday and I placed it on the window sill above my sink and before a week, we had some short buds!!  We were so excited. 

About two weeks later, lots and lots of grass.  Once it started growing there was no stopping it.  I think the best part for her was being able to cut the grass and I of course helped.

Because the jar is clear you can see all the roots, which I think is pretty neat. 

I'm tempted to grow some herbs or maybe we will try some flowers one of these days.  It's a fun activity for the kiddos and if you want to make it educational check out the lesson HERE. 

Happy Monday!

Halloween Snack Ideas

Thursday, October 10, 2013

I love Halloween.  Growing up it was one of my favorite holidays.  Finding a costume, doing crafts, watching fun Halloweenie movies, pumpkin patches, carving pumkins, baking the seeds with my dad, eating candy corn... the list just goes on.  And now that I am all grown up I still love it.  Maybe even more so now that I get to share all my childhood memories with my little one.  I can't believe how fast it is coming!!  Last year was a blast, we went all out and had a Halloween party.  With all the moving, I skipped the decorating this year but as a consolation I am in charge of the snacks for the Halloween party at her preschool so im pretty excited about that.  There are so many good ideas it's hard to just pick a few!

And I would like to put together a treat for all her little classmates.  This would give me the perfect excuse to buy candy corn.  But the ghost poop is just so darn cute!  Though the marshmallows probably wouldn't last long with love bug around. 

There are also so many cute ideas for fun lunch Wednesday!  I can't wait to do those hot dog mummies.  She loves hot dogs [and so do I].  Before the end of the month I am determined to do the Frankenstein one! 

All images used on this post can be found on my Halloween Board.
Which treats do you think I should I do for the party?

Happy Thursday,

Culinary Creations Giveaway from Kroger®

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Kroger® Private Selection® for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

Growing up, our dinner times weren't exactly family orientated.  My mom would cook and sometimes we would eat together.  Most of the time we grabbed our food, sat wherever, eating at different times.  The hubby's family was different.  In highschool I remember them always sitting together at dinner time enjoying a meal. 

I really loved that about their family so when we became a family, we adopted this practice.  I take meals and meal planning pretty seriusly in our house.  I really do enjoy cooking even if I am not so good at it.  When the boss comes home, we sit down and we share a meal together.  We share our lives.  Spending the time together sets the tone for the night, our family time.  It's a time when we make memories.  I will never forget love bug's prayer the other night where she thanked God for everything except the food;  the park, the slide, the swings, the house, the car, the rocks. AMEN!  Food brings people together.

That's why I am really excited to share Kroger® Private Selection® products!   It's a wide selection of gourment foods with quality you can taste and value you deserve.  They offer quality meats, cheeses, bakery items, desserts, and cooking ingredients.  My mouth drools just looking at these Chocolate Cream with Cashew Crunchdip. 

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Though my doctor would probably prefer me to eat the healthier choice of chocolate covered raspberries.

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I think even my non seafood loving hubby would enjoy this Crab Salad Tartlet

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There are so many products there is something for everyone!  Just check out and Like Private Selection on Facebook and get ready to drool.  I already know these chips would be perfect for my  favorite recipes, Easy Peasy Salsa.  Even I will sit for a football game if I have a bowl of this salsa with me.  

What meal or product would you love to bring to your family?  And to make it easy Follow Private Selection on Pinterest and start pinning meals and products you want to try.   

The Private Selcetion® products are a private label that is sold exclusively at the Kroger® Family of stores and affiliated stores.  You can find a store near you by using the Store Locator.

Now for the best part, the giveaway.  To enter to win a Viking® Range,  $1000 Family Store Card, a Culinary Arts® Cookware set and a WÜSTHOF Knife set visit the Private Selection Sweepstakes website .  There you will enter your local retailer, answer a few questions, and thats it!  You can enter for a chance to win every day until November 14, 2014. Sweepstakes Rules 

Disclaimer: Official Rules  NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED.  Must be at least 18 years old and a legal resident of the 50 United States and D.C., (except FL, NY and RI).  Subject to Full Official Rules.  Game ends 11/14/13.  Full rules available at 

Best of luck to you and be sure to check out all The Kroger® Private Selection® products .  photo 6ee00425-a7eb-4731-916f-411eec3fdc1f_zps8186544d.jpg   photo 91fd29d1-ee4c-4f66-9d80-7189057b3877_zpsdaa92e0a.jpg  photo c9e076df-7ae0-47e2-bd6d-bfd02d45f988_zpsdbcd3fed.jpg 

Visit Sponsor's Site

Organizing My Little Pantry

Friday, October 4, 2013

Before we left Germany I was gung ho about organizing our little tiny pantry.  I saved up some money [because I find that organizing "things" cost money] and did it.  Then we moved and I dreamed we were going to end up in a house with a big kitchen [I was wrong] so back to little pantry we are.  

This one is bigger than the last but still little and after some money and work looks pretty decent.  I wouldn't say I'm done because you can never be too organized.  One day I'm going to upgrade those plastics bins to these beauties... one day. 

Let's just start from the top and work down.  Can you tell we love chips?  Got the very handy under shelf basket for free [thanks airman's attic] and it holds lunch chips perfectly.  The lovely clear tupperware from Ikea. It's cheap [$2.99] but I love the sleek design.  One day I went out and no kidding spend $45 on all these tupperware.  I looked like a mad woman but totally worth it.  I will never go back to boxes again.  Life is so much easier when you can see everything and it's all the same size.  And as you can see behind the front row there is a back. 

I also bought the big tall tupperware [$3.99] for our cereals and one for spaghetti noodles.  Just like chips we are a family who loves cereals.  Can you tell which one is mine?  Wish the opening on top was bigger but we live with it. 

I don't like things just floating around the shelf unless it's big so I went with baskets.  I don't love the yellow ones but they were a dollar and get the job don.  Above is my "dry goods" basket.  It's nice because you can slide it out a bit to get what you need or pull out the entire thing.  It's always changing but having the basket just makes it easier to find something.  There's only one place to look.  Below is the bread, bagel, tortilla basket.  Last but not least my favorite the snack basket.

Now this basket is always changing but I keep the old granola boxes in to keep little things organized.  Just cut the tops off place little snacks in there; raisins, fruit snacks, granola bars etc.  

The last shelf has all the can goods and instant rice packs.  I used a helper shelf to give me an extra place for cans.  No more digging around to see what we have, you can see it all at once. 

Another thing that helps keep a small pantry from getting cluttered is storing things on the counters.  I got these pretty Martha tin's for the bulky sugar, flour, and I put Bisquick in the one labeled cookies.  I also have candy jars and not just for candy but also for our trail mix. 

If you ever wanted to buckle down and organize your pantry I hope this inspires you.  It doesn't take much just some thought, pennies and a little work.  Of course your pantry won't look like ours since we eat different things but this may give you some organizing ideas.  

Happy Friday,

Free Kid's Workshop at Home Depot [this Saturday!]

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Just wanted to share something fun to do with the kiddos in case you didn't know.  I was really thankful to the gymnastics mom who shared it with me since we had a blast... So I thought I would share it with YOU!   The first Saturday of every month (meaning this SATURDAY!) every Home Depot does a free kids work shop!  Yup FREE! They provide everything you need too.  The workshop is designed for kids who are 5 and up but my crazy two year old did just fine.  Her favorite part was the painting and she was really proud that she helped make this cute little football toss game. 

Sign up on the site HERE and show up between 9:00am-12:00pm, but probably before 12:00 since that's when it ends.  It says to come at 9:00 but people were coming way later than that.  In weekend's workshop they will be building an airplane and at our Home Depot the fire truck and firefighters will be there to talk about fire safety.  So find the nearest Home Depot and sign up!

Happy Wednesday everyone!
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