
Peeps S'moreS

Friday, March 30, 2012

Well, Cindy and I are both under the weather [booo] and she passed it along to me.  We have stayed low key and today I made a fun Easter treat that sadly she couldn't enjoy.  I do actually have a sugar line I draw with her.  So, while she was having some "me time" I tried these peep s'mores I pinned.  If Cindy were in school we probably would have packaged them up real cute like the person who originally pinned it.

In theory this is a cute idea and when it is all packaged it looks adorable, but when I was actually putting it together it felt a little inhumane.  I suddenly felt bad for the little bunny peep that was about to be melted and eaten.  Poor cotton tail didn't know what was coming to him.

I almost couldn't eat it after seeing that face peeking out.... I said almost.  I did eat it and let me tell you, it was good till the last bite.  It is a nice little treat and I might just put a few of these in our family Easter basket.

And speaking of Easter, this is the perfect time for me to tell you all that I have a whole lotta fun Easter things coming your way next week. Lets see how many I am able to accomplish.  So far the only thing I have posted is the DIY Resurrection Eggs.

Be sure to check out some of the things we posted in the past few weeks and check out the Frap recipe Jeanine posted.  And if you have tried something on pinterest and documented it please share!

Decorating a High Chair for a Birthday

Thursday, March 29, 2012

It's time for the spring babies to celebrate their birthdays.  One of those is Cindy's cousin Andi who will be turning one.  I saw this picture of a high chair decorated with streamers and I loved it!  Too bad I didn't see it before Cindy's birthday.  All you need is streamers but I added a banner too.

I hate showing unfinished work but I needed to mail it out so I took pictures before I added the pretty ribbon.  Each part is actually tied together with a pink bow.  Oh well, it is super simple but really cute huh?!

I think decorating the birthday person's chair is a cute little touch.  For Cindy, I displayed her ONE onsie and I left her cake on the high chair ready to be devoured. 

Can't just have a high chair banner, I also made a matching Happy Birthday banner.  I love the colors and the prints.  It just makes me.... 

Can't help it, I am a paper cutting, banner making fanatic.  I also must share the vendor that she found to design all the graphics because they came out so darn cute!!  TBone Squid created fairies that stand for centerpieces.  You cut and attach the wings on.  She also made her adorable invitations and fairies that will be flying from the ceiling.  Adorable!  Check out her etsy site because she has some really cute stuff. 

Happy List: Good to be Home

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Linking up with Mamarazzi to share my happy list...

There is no better place than home for me.  Hate to say it but I really don't miss being back in the states.  I love being back in our small town living our simple lives.  I am a homebody and nothing makes me happier than being at home.

Cooking breakfast makes me oh so happy.  I sure missed all my pots and pans.  I made Cindy these yummy flower pancakes with fruit in the middle as her first official breakfast back home.  Silly girl ate all the peaches and left the strawberries for me.
Sitting here makes me happy.  This is the "mommy" spot.  My couch and my little relaxation corner with the sun beaming on me through the ceiling.  This is like our little green room and my favorite room in the house. 

Reading makes us happy.  Cindy has thoroughly enjoyed going through all her books throwing them everywhere.  Reading stories that were my favorites as a kid to her makes me happy!

What is making you happy this week?


Make Your Own Resurrection Eggs with Free Printables

Monday, March 26, 2012

I can't believe Easter is right around the corner!  I wish I had more time to do crafts and bake all the fun Easter-y treats but my time is so limited thanks to our transition home.  I can't believe how tough it has been to get back into a routine, clean the house, and get Cindy comfortable in a new environment.

Anywhoo, enough about me and onto the fun. This is a really cute count down you can start twelve days before Easter Sunday.  I am a visual kinestheitc learner so I tend to teach that way.  So, Cindy won't just be learning about Jesus through reading thanks to my learning style.

Repurposed Shirt [Pin it and Do it]

Saturday, March 24, 2012

So I meant to post this yesterday, but midday the internet went down... I unplugged the router, restarted the computer and did everything but couldn't figure it out.  Today I called the internet company and all that happened was someone pressed the little button on the back of the router. It turned off the wireless.  That little someone has very little fingers and boy is she a handful!

Anywho, this weeks pin it and do it comes from My Style board.  Last Saturday, my future cousin Juliana and I decided to have a Pinterest day and we chose to recycle old shirts.  I am all about recycling and cutting up old shirts and turning them into something new.   It came out pretty cute and Juliana you look beautiful wearing it!
Not as easy as it looks.  Getting the shirt to fit right was a little tough.  It kept coming forward in the front and just doing all sorts of weird things.  I think part of it was because used the wrong kind of shirt.  It is best to use a thin knit/jersey material.  Be sure to cut it a little at a time and then try it on.  You can't put back what has been cut already.  Overall, a very cute beach shirt or something I would wear lounging in the house.  I do love the racer back.

To fix the problem on the front, I scrunched up these little pieces and put them on the front sides.  There are a million tutorials out there floating around YouTube and the blogging world, so if you ever get bored be sure to try this, especially with summer right around the corner.
And since it was Saint Patrick's day, green nails were a must.  Don't you love that dark green glitter?  It is actually loose glitter that we sprinkled on top of a top coat.  Love it! 

Plan to Plant this Spring

Friday, March 23, 2012

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Scotts® for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

Spring is just about here and I have started planning some fun activities for Cindy.  This season, I thought it would be really fun for Cindy and I to grow a plant or if I am feel adventurous a few plants.  If you know one thing about me it's that I suck at trying to grow or maintain anything green.  For this spring I was thinking of growing something easy like sprouts in a pot.  I think it would be fun to water it everyday and see it grow over the weeks.

To help my lack of a green thumb, I am planning on using Expand ‘n Gro™ from Miracle Gro.  It yields three times the amount of flowers and vegtables as oppose to the native soil, it expands up to three times when in water and feeds the plants for six months.  You can see more about Expand n Gro and how it works by checking out this video. 

If you have tiny tots, you can teach your kids what plants need in order to grow.  Planting would also be a good way to talk about photosynthesis with the older kiddos.  Since Cindy is so small we are only going to enjoy watching them grow.

So thinking of growing a garden or plants with your kids this spring?  Be sure to check out Expand n' Grow in the  lawn and garden area of retailers.  For us who are overseas  you can get it on Amazon!   If you want to try just a small sample, Miracle Gro is sending me one and I would love to give you this little bag. EnG Product Shot.png

All you have to do is leave a comment letting me know what you want to grow this spring and as soon as I receive the sample I will send it to you! Advertisement

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Bead Case as a Hair Tie Organizer

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Anytime I can be, I try to stay as organized as possible.  Whether that happens is another issue on its own.  In the next few weeks we will be doing some traveling therefore, lots of organization is required especially with those pesky little accessories.  Plastic is my solution.

Cindy's hair is finally long enough to put in pig tails and those little hair ties are oh so tiny.  I realized you can put them in a pill case or I found these bead cases at Walmart for a $1 and they are perfect!

 It keeps it nice and organized and color coded.  It is a little bulky for me to be carrying around everywhere so I usually throw a few hair ties in my wallet in case we lose one.

Now when we came to Cali she was on formula and I was using these formula travel tupper ware and they were really handy.  Well, now that I am not using them anymore I didn't want them to go empty in my suitcase so I found something perfect to fit inside.  I put all my earrings in this one and it seriously works out perfectly.

And in the smaller one I put all of my bobby pins.  Perfect fit and so much easier than a plastic baggie, which is what I was using before. 

I love getting creative when organizing and reusing things I already have.  For other organizing ideas you can also check out my Organization Board on Pinterest.

Vintage Puzzle Piece Magnets

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

A little bit ago cousin Krista sent me a text message of some vintage magnets she made and I love them!!!  I had her email me the picture asap so I could share them with all of you.  Just a fun DIY project to fill that nap time or night time "me" time.  Sure do miss those craft nights with you cousin [and you too Neen].

Aren't they adorable.  They would make a perfect gift too especially for a housewarming party.  She said she followed directions from a youtube video but I couldn't find it.  But, I'm not going to leave you hanging!  I found a really nice and easy tutorial on Inspiring Creations.  I think I will have to make some of these myself.

Over the Rainbow Cupcakes [Pin it and Do it]

Friday, March 16, 2012

Is it Friday already?  Wow time is flying, but I really don't mind. Did you see the pins from last week?  My friend Jeanine posted a DIY fringe scarf and Bre shared a DIY braided headband.  Very cute ladies.

For this week I wanted to do something for St. Patrick's Day.  It came down to the shamrock cupcakes or the rainbow ones and I chose the easier ones..... rainbow. You can find them both on my Kiss Me I'm Irish board.

Didn't they come out adorable?!?  I made them during nap time and since Cindy woke up right in the middle of the process the pictures are limited.
Pin It

FAIL on my Orange Candle

Thursday, March 15, 2012

I saw this candle made from an orange on pinterest and thought it would be really cool to try.  What a great way to recycle the orange peel!  So, I tried it and I failed.  I did everything I was suppose to.  I cut the orange in half [well if we are getting technical it would be 3/4 and a 1/4], I took out the insides leaving the center thingy for the wick, cut a little hole on the top portion, and filled it with olive oil.  

It was all good until I tried to light it.  I used like 5 matches trying but no such luck!! I think I didn't let the orange dry out enough since I washed it.  Plus I think I need one of those hand lighters that keep the flame going with one push of a button.  Has anyone tried this and have any pointers?  

Oh well I guess...  All I know is, Mr. Orange we shall meet again and I hope to have better luck next time. 

Tutorial: Adding the Pin It Button to Blog Post Pictures

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

My bestie has been committed to my linky party on Friday's where we choose something we have pinned, actually do it, and then share it on our blog [Pin it and Do it Friday].  Please feel free to add your link and share what you have done to the post this coming Friday.

Well, the other day she was asking me how to add the pin it button to pictures she posts on her blog and it was kind of hard explaining it so I decided to just write a tutorial on how to do it.

Here is an example of the pin it button underneath a picture from the post Housewarming Party Ideas.

Chillaxin [Happy List]

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Linking up this week with Mamarazzi to share my happy list.  

After such a busy few weeks I am super happy that I have some time to relax.  I like to think of it is as the calm before the next storm.  I am really enjoying our carefree, no obligation, relaxing days.

Relaxing walks makes me so happy.  I just love the houses in the East Coast!  They are gorgeous.

Trips to the park and watching this little one explore makes me so happy.  

Painting my nails makes me happy.  I haven't fully committed to the all green nails for Saint Patricks day yet but I have gotten use to it so I think I will.

I couldn't help it but I painted Cindy's toes to match mine.  I love these little wiggly toes!  They make me happy. 

What is on your Happy List this week?


Recipe: Apple Sauce

Monday, March 12, 2012

I wish I was one of those moms who made all her baby's food from scratch and only fed her super duper healthy stuff, but sadly I am not [yes, frown upon me now]..  I really do admire those moms who do.  And my number one excuse that probably doesn't really count is that we have gone through such big transitions lately that I haven't even wanted to cook.  However, things are changing and I want to cook again [YEAY].

I am actually really excited to get back to my house because I have a cookbook waiting for me dedicated to making fun food creations.  So, since I plan on spending a nice relaxing week I have decided to make something simple but yummy to her..... Apple Sauce.  Now lets make this apple, saucy.

- 2 apples
- 1/4 cup of water
- 1 tablespoon sugar
- pinch of cinnamon [optional]

Wash, peel, core, and chop the apples up.  Yup this is the hardest part of the process.
Place all the ingredients minus the cinnamon in a saucepan on the stove covered.  Stir it ever so often and after about 15 minutes and a nice aroma of apples they will get tender and mushy.

Then use a mixer, food processor, or even a potato masher to get it mushy.  Sprinkle with some cinnamon and there you have it.  I don't really like applesauce but it was pretty good.  After nap time, Cindy had some and she loved it.  I can't wait to try to make some with green apples for my hubby to see if he will like it as much as her. 
So, if you ever wanted to make  baby food and weren't sure, try this because it's easy.  I know they have those special machine thingy that makes it so much simpler than this old school way but maybe for our next baby I will invest in one.

If you want to pin the process of making apple sauce just click the pin it button below.
Pin It

Glitter Polish Obsession [Pin it and Do it]

Friday, March 9, 2012

It has been such a wild and crazy week for me, hence the lack of blogging.  I was so busy visiting with family one last time, packing, and getting everything ready for our our transition back to Germany.  All to come in a future post.  We are no longer in Cali and now relaxing and trying to beat the time change in Virginia.

Even though we have been super busy I didn't want to miss Pin it and Do it Friday.  This week, I am sharing my new obsession.... glitter polish.  When I first started pinterest I was not only pinning do it yourself projects but also outfit, hair and nails.  It helped give me the jump start and inspiration to start painting my nails again, something I hadn't really done a ton since Cindy was born.  Check out this fun glitter polish I got for $1!
Pin It

For my going away gift, my sister bought be four glitter polishes because of this new obsession.  I can't wait to try them!  This was inspired by this pin found on my My Style board.
Fun isn't it?  I also love the new fad of painting something funky on just one finger because all glitter nails is just too much for my taste. 

I have also been pinning outfits for our upcoming family vacation.  I am so excited and am counting down the days!  Where we are going??? Well, it's a secret but you will find out soon enough.  Aren't these outfits so fun!?  I love the shorts in the first two outfits, loving the wedges for this spring, and the red cardigan with that bag are so mine!!  Sometimes I go through this bumming it mode and seeing things like this just inspire me to dress a little nicer!

So what are you pinning these days or obsessing about?

Winner of Dr. Seuss Giveaway

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

So I wish I could stay and chit chat, spill my guts and tell you how crazy my life has been this week in just about every area, but I have to finish packing so there is no time.  Plus, the exhaustion of driving to LA and back about four times is killing me.

Anywhoo, I am only here to announce the winner of the book!  Thank you all for entering and I look forward to doing more giveaways in the future.

Congrats to Miscela!  I will be emailing you for your address. I used the generator but I am having trouble showing it! 

Wish me luck and say a prayer for me as I pack up my life for the past six months and move into a new chapter.  I will be back soon!! 

10 Things

Monday, March 5, 2012

Have you entered the giveaway yet?  If you haven't be sure you do HERE.  There are only six comments so your chances of winning are really good.

Anywhoo, I am linking up with my friend Bre from Life at the Zoo to post 10 random facts about me.  I had fun reading hers and I thought it would be fun to write some for me [and for you to get to know me a little better].

I guess I am suppose to post a picture of myself so I am posting my favorite kind of pictures.... jumping ones.

My 10 things....

1. Whenever something major happens in my life I find the sudden urge to chop off all my hair only to hate it and then I vow I will never do it again. The first time was in college when Randy went to training and there was no communication allowed for a month an a half.  The last time was when I found out I was preggo.   [So proud of myself for not doing it when he deployed though I was so tempted to!]

2.  Sad songs use to make me cry as a kid and as an adult can still have the same effect.  To this day I cannot listen to Whitney Houston's song I Will Always Love You and Bette Midler's The Wind Beneath my Wings.

3.  When I was 16 hanging out at a football game, I saw this really cute boy, proceeded to follow him around and knew that I had to have him.
[Homecoming Dance Senior Year]

4.  I secretly want to have a house full of kids and be a stay at home mom for at least a decade.

5.  While in college.... I lived in an all girls dorm for all 4 years, got a degree in Education but failed to get a credential, and my one regret is not working as a waitress. I loved my little dorm room.

6. My biggest weakness is house decorating.  I think it's because I am a small detail person who hates making decisions.  That is probably why our home still looks like a bachelor pad.

7.  My dream car was a Toyota Corolla and now that I am a mommy I upgraded that dream car to be a Toyota Camry.

8.  When doing laundry, the one thing I hate folding is socks!  Just ask Charlie.

9.  Deep down inside I am a little daredevil like my hubby.  One of the most unforgettable moments we have had is going skydiving together on our honeymoon.

10. I love McDonalds and try to visit one in every country we travel to.  I have been to about 8. This is McDonalds in Prague.  I was very excited our bus stopped here for breakfast.

So there you have it!  What is your 10 things or even one thing?  I would love to know!

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