I'm feeling the sting of the evolution of our Easter Baskets. When did we go from sippy cups to legos? How did we get from bows to nail polish? My mama heart is a little tender whenever I see evidence that my once babies are growing up to be "big kids". Old Easter baskets reveal the passing of time but one thing remains the same, the formula for putting them together even when they were babies.

[Slightly weeping over these more mature Eater Baskets.]

When it comes to putting it together, I follow a three-part rule: needs, wants, and yums.

The kids have yet to discover that the bulk of what goes into their baskets are things I would already be buying them. HA! In the last couple of years, the needs have been geared towards the upcoming spring and summer. It is also a great time to gift and replenish art supplies and outdoor items. I've included: hats, flip flops, bathing suits, pajamas, socks, toothbrushes, sunglasses, art supplies, bubbles, chalk, paints, books.
This portion of the basket contains a want, generally a toy or a trinket. I've done movies, nerf guns, potato heads, toy trains, stuffed animals, whatever catches my eye at the dollar section at Target, and little do and throw crafts from Michaels.
Candy. A basket is not complete without candy! This is going to sound terrible but over the years I have used leftover Halloween candy to put in the plastic eggs. Shameful, I know. They didn't care, they were just happy to be loaded with sugar. One year I created eggs by sewing two pieces of pretty scrapbook paper filled with candy to rip open.
So what is in this year's basket?
NEEDS: bathing suit, spring/summer shoes [my kids and I love Natives], cover-ups, toothbrushes [exciting, I know]
WANTS: legos, nail polish, squishy pencil covers, fun glasses
YUMS: Halloween candy and a surprise egg [anyone else have kids that love these]

If you'd like a list of ideas this site 101 Kids Easter Basket Ideas is still my favorite go-to. I also posted some fun ideas friends have shared on what to put in Easter Baskets or how to present them on my Facebook Page.

Hoppy Easter everyone!
such great ideas, thanks for sharing! xoxo, c