
6 Time Saving Tips

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

There are seasons in life when I'm super duper pooper busy and time when there just isn't that much to do.  When I was pregnant with little guy there was lots of down time.  Now I'm in the busy season.  Since I am a new coach and still blogging it's just a little more time now.  I know it won't always be like this but for now I had to find ways to save my some time.

If you're anything like me and you're in your busy season too, you may be looking for ways to save time.  The one thing that always gets pushed to the bottom end of the priority list is always the house work. But I'm finding small ways to combat that with simple things like making sure I put in a load of laundry a day and put away a basket a day.  Or even something as simple as doing the dishes every night.  Each little teeny bit helps. Here are six other ways to save time:

1. Strap them in!
I'm kind of a slacker when it comes to making sure that my little stud muffin is in his high chair for snacks and meals... well this just means messy floors and crumbs everywhere.  You get the idea.

3. You Don't Have to be Fancy
To minimize dishes during the day, we eat on paper plates and at night on on the weekends when daddy is home we use the fancy stuff.

3.  Toilet cleaners
This is silly but these are awesome!  I don't constantly have to keep cleaning toilet bowls and the bathroom always smells good!

4. Crockpot it Up
Our crock pot has been a lifesaver when we have busy days and the last thing I want to do is cook.  It's amazing.

5. Grocery Shop Online
This and number six go hand in hand.  Oh my gosh this has to be my favorite time saving tip!  Not having to deal with two kids at the grocery store, saves money because we only get what we need.
I meal prep, add everything to my online cart and DONE. 

Yup this is what it looks like to go grocery shopping now a days.

They even load it for me!  I will happily pay 5 bucks for someone to grocery shop for me and save me an hour and thirty minutes.

6.  Meal Prep
You can't really take advantage of the grocery shopping online without being able to meal prep each week.  Meal prepping has been an essential for us.  It not only saves us so much money since I pack lunches everyday but we also eat and snack much healthier.  

I cook up meats to use in dinners for week, cut up veggies and fruits, prep lunchs, and prep the kids breakfasts.  I have to set aside time to do it and sometimes I have hubby watch the kids so I can BUT I NEVER regret it.  Saves me having to wash the same dishes over and over, saves time cooking at night, hubby feels loved by his amazing lunches everyday.  Hopefully will get to post more about it in the future.  Plus our fridge always looks more organized and I love that.

Dannielle and I teamed up on this one and you can check out her time saving tips at Quite Dainty

So, share your wisdom with me!  How do you save time each week?

Until next time.  Toodles! 

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  1. I LOVE time saving tips! I have 3 kids, so between day camp, sports and scouting I keep super busy!! Please share more tips! Oh and what supermarket loads it up for you when you shop online???

  2. oh my goodness! i had to see it for my own through grocery shopping...sort of. hey whatever you can do right?!

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