
Blogger's Bliss: Visitors

Thursday, May 1, 2014

I always seem to be a day late but better late than never right?  Have you checked out Dannielle's Blogger's Bliss at Quite Dainty?  Looks like she had a pretty fun and eventful month!  If you want to join in on the fun, link up with Megan at Borrowed Heaven or #bloggersbliss on any Instagram photo.  Whatever it is that is that brought you bliss for the month of April!

April for us was awesome blossom.  We got to know our little man but also got oodles of visitors.  First my mom came, then my sister a few days later, then my in laws a few days after that.  Not only were we able to spend quality time with family but I got tons of help with the baby.  Each visit was special and we all had a wonderful time.  So much so our little miss would bawl every time our visitors left.  We also took a few mini trips when my in laws were here.  How sweet is this picture of the little lady and her grandpa?  She loves him so much.  Photo creds to the hubby for this one. 

This is totally unrelated to our visitors but Spring has brought on some lovely weather we have been able to grill a lot more often.  I love love love grilling.  Grilling = bliss.  Good food, it's easy, and the clean up is a cinch.  Who doesn't love grilled chicken?!

I love yummy grilled veggies just as much!

So what's your bliss?

Until next time.  Toodles!


  1. Oh my gosh, I love that photo of Cindy and grandpa! Looks like you had a great month! Thanks so much for linking up :)

  2. That looks soooo yummy! Yes, who doesn't love grilled chicken?!


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