📖 Suggested Bible Reading: Genesis 4
Year seven. The year of marriage and motherhood that I distinctly remember my anger reaching its boiling point. My explosive outbursts shook the house with loud yells, crude words, followed by tears of regret and sheepish apologies to those I had hurt. Why was I so angry?
Regardless of the reason, the anger that resulted in sin was out of control. But in His goodness, God opened my eyes to see my little ones mimicking my tone when they were frustrated or upset, and it broke my heart into pieces. They became a mirror, showing me the warning I needed.
📖 In the story of Cain and Abel, when God rejected Cain’s sacrifice, Cain became very angry, and his countenance fell.
“Why are you angry? And why has your countenance fallen? If you do well, will not your countenance be lifted up? And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door; and its desire is for you, but you must master it.”
—Genesis 4:6-7
Because the Lord disciplines those He loves, He attempted to warn Cain. Like Cain, when we fail to master our desires and emotions, sin crouches at our door, waiting to take hold. Cain ignored God’s warning, and in his anger, he killed his brother.
Just as Cain’s sin killed his brother’s physical body, the words we speak in anger or wrath bring emotional and spiritual death. Life and death are in the power of the tongue (Proverbs 18:21). Jesus even equates anger with a brother or sister to murder (Matthew 5:21-22).
Year seven was the year I heeded God’s warning, grieved my sin of anger, and cried out for help. I devoured books on anger, listened to countless sermons, and implemented practical tools to recognize my triggers. I began to uproot and heal from childhood wounds and in His grace, the Lord humbled me. I began to welcome His discipline and surrender my anger to Him.
My family knows that anger is the thorn in my side, the sin I long to master. It’s the sin I try to recognize before it destroys, and while it occurs less frequently now, when it does I quickly repent. Anger is no longer a master in my life.
❓ Reflection questions
Do I receive the Lord’s correction (or others correction) with a humble heart open to repent?
Is there sin that God is trying to warn me of? (lust, gluttony, pride, sloth, wrath, greed, envy)
How does this sin manifest in my life? What triggers it?
Who does it affect and what are the consequences? What destruction is it causing?
How does God want to help me overcome this sin?
🙏🏻 Prayer
Lord, I thank you for your times of correction in my life because you care for me. Sin separates me from you and others. It brings about destruction by stealing, killing, and destroying your blessings. When things are not going my way, sin is crouching at my door and its desire is for me. Help me to recognize these moments quickly so I can pause and step away. My desire is to master anger by being quick to listen and slow to speak. I give the offenses that others commit against me to you because justice is in your hands. Cleanse my heart of bitterness as I forgive others as you have forgiven me. Show me how to have the right expectations of people and situations. I ask that you restore any relationships that have been hindered or destroyed by anger. In Jesus name I pray, AMEN.
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