
A New Year Gift

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Capturing moments is a passion that the kids have picked up on.  They love stealing my phone to take pictures and look back on old ones.  Anyone else have the same problem?  With the little lady getting older I thought it would be fun to look at 2017 through her eyes.  SOOO I put together a photo inspired New Year gift.

This little combo will give her an opportunity to be creative and store these special memories in a book that she can cherish for years to come. 

I wrapped up the Polaroid camera my sister gave her this summer, fun film and this awesome photo book.

The book perfectly fits the mini Polaroid films and you can keep it open to display the images.

After a few flashes we developed the first memories of 2017.  An ice cream trip is the perfect way to ring in the New Year!

I have to admit I love this gift as much as she does because our family can all be part of it.  I’ve already ordered the next set of film for our next special occasion.  If you have a special someone with a Polaroid camera this is a great gift and keepsake.

Hooray for a New Year! 

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