
Secret to the Perfect First Day Pictures

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

I'm a tid bit crazy about pictures.  I love getting that one smiley picture perfect shot, especially on those first and last days of school.  I know I'm a hot mess the first day, so I found a way to get it without the pressure.  What's the secret?

Taking it a few days before. 

She wears her first day of school outfit, we go outside and have fun with it.  There's no time restraint, no pressure on her, no stress for me.  I can be as annoying as I want with the camera and it takes the rush out of getting that perfect picture in the midst of the crazy gotta get out of the house to not be late on the first day. 

If you're a crazy picture mom like myself, you'll actually be able to enjoy every first day moment.

It may not be an actual "first day" shot but it captures her perfectly at that age and each time she shows me that big personality.  These pictures really are for me so I can cry every year as I see how she's grown.  I think the sass has grown with each year.

SO if you're like me and crazy about pictures, then give this a try.  This little series of us may not have been on the actual first day but it still makes me teary.  This was our moment, talking about her first day and how excited we were.  Me full of those silly sappy emotions about her growing up.

With her first day of coming up, you better believe that I will be taking the pressure off the day and taking that perfect perfect a few days before.

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