

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Ever since I was a kid I use to love counting down to Christmas and nothing has changed.  I love doing advent [which is just a countdown to Christmas]...

This year we are doing a new more meaningful advent, the advent wreath.  I've always wanted to do this and now that she is older it is perfect.  Each week you light a new candle and read scripture about the birth of Jesus.  So before dinner I plan on doing so and I love that this points us to the real meaning of Christmas.  For more information on this advent tradition HERE.

Cindy's Aunt Marlaine sent her this gorgeous calendar from Germany and she sends German gummy bears for her to enjoy everyday.  This is our yummy advent.

Every year since her first Christmas we also do this paper advent.  I remember making these when I was a kid!  It's just fun.  

[Here is the ball and chain looking one from last year].

I bought a wood circle plaque for her to paint and then Modge Podge the poem onto it. 

If you want the printout of the star HERE it is.  I simply rounded the edges.

Another way we countdown to Christmas is with books.  I wrap 25 books to put in her basket, the last one is the story of Jesus birth so we can read it Christmas morning.  This is a family tradition we have done since before the hubby and I had kiddos. She loves it and I think baby brother will enjoy this one as well.

[Opening the first book for the month].

Until next time.  Toodles!

1 comment:

  1. I love Advent Calendars but really haven't used one. Now that we have Jack I'll be using one my late Aunt made for me when I was a little girl. I'm so happy that my son will have something that reminds me of her!


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