This was a craft I had hoped to share, but it crumbled. Literally hehehe. I overheated the chocolate and underestimated the kids patience. It ended up a chalky mess.
This was a craft I had hoped to share, but it crumbled. Literally hehehe. I overheated the chocolate and underestimated the kids patience. It ended up a chalky mess.
As a recovered perfectionist this time of year can tempt me with feelings of pressure and inadequacy. Pinterest is exploding the latest holiday decor, crafts, recipes. Have you seen the Christmas trees on there?! It all looks perfect and delicious. Not to mention non of their kids have sticky fingers and are perfectly posed.
I use want to have it all and do it all beautifully. I use want to be everything! Why not, aren't there 65 hours in the day?! The reality is I can't be all and do all.
I use want to have it all and do it all beautifully. I use want to be everything! Why not, aren't there 65 hours in the day?! The reality is I can't be all and do all.
We all can't sew elaborate costumes and dresses like Designer Dad, cook five star meals like Giada, bake like Ree Drummond, decorate our homes like Joanna Gains [in my dreams], craft like Martha Stewart... but that's OKAY!
This is to you who feels like you don't measure up to that picture perfect mom you have envisioned but doesn't exist. Whether you admit it or not you probably are great at one of these skills. Let's believe the words we tell our kids; we are all good at different things and we show it in different ways. BUT aside from your special skill, you have something even more valuable. YUP, you do and no one can do it like you! You have a special kind of LOVE that only you can give to your family, friends, and your community.
All your kids and family need is YOUR love. All you need is love. All you need is love love love love. [hehehee] Your words of encouragement, acts of service, physical touch, and TIME.
Before I get swept away in the holiday madness I'm going to remind myself.... No pressure to be perfect. No inadequacy when what I plan fails. Love first and all the crafty extras will be the cherry on top.
Crazy perfectionist mama out there, I want you to remember that YOU are more than enough. YOU are talented and gifted. YOU can love like no one else's can and love is all you need.
Hooray for the holiday season!
Hooray for the holiday season!

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