
TruMoo Chocolate Marshmallow Smore's Milkshake

Friday, January 30, 2015

One of the toughest things about being a mom is finding the balance. Knowing when to help them with a situation or when to step back and let them figure out. Deciphering how much TV time they should get, or in my case how hard to push in academics. And of course I have to find the balance between meals and snacks. I want to give them healthy choices without compromising on taste. Finding the right balance between happy and healthy is never easy. That’s why there’s TruMoo! It's a win win because she loves it and I love that it's good for her. I'm super excited too because for a limited time, you can get TruMoo Chocolate Marshmallow Milk.
TruMoo chocolate milk is not just for the kiddos but my hubby and I love it too, especially me because I'm a huge milk drinker. TruMoo starts with fresh milk that contains no artificial growth hormones and is sweetened just enough with chocolate. It contains no high fructose corn syrup and is fresh from your trusted dairy. If you have trouble getting your kids to drink milk, this is the way to go. For product information and availability, visit TruMoo online
We recently used TruMoo Chocolate Marshmallow milk to make one of my favorites, Smore's Milkshakes!
1 cup of TruMoo Chocolate Marshmallow
1 cup vanilla ice cream
handful marshmallows (roasted if you have a patient child)
1/2 cup crumbled graham crackers
1/4 cup chocolate chips
I let the little lady do most of the work. Measuring the TruMoo Chocolate Marshmallow milk.

Adding the marshmallow, chocolate chips and breaking the graham crackers (or trying to).

I added the ice cream and we blended all the yummy-ness together.

I drizzled the cup with some chocolate, added a special straw, and TADA a TruMoo Chocolate Marshmallow Smore's milkshake.

Drum roll for the taste test...

And it is kid approved! She loved it!

My favorite thing about TruMoo Chocolate Marshmallow milk is that you can also have it warm. I love having something warm before bed and this is the perfect late night snack (and by late I mean 8 o'clock). On Valentines day I'm planning on having a tea party with the little miss with TruMoo Chocolate Marshmallow milk topped with those cute pink Valentine's Day marshmallows instead of the plain white ones.

TruMoo is not just great for kids but perfect for the whole family! You can find a recipe or idea that is perfect for your family. Find TruMoo Recipe inspiration on Pinterest. You can also
Join the TruMoo community on Facebook
This post brought to you by TruMoo Milk  . The content and opinions expressed below are that of Make it Cozee.

Want to try TruMoo yourself? Enter to win a free gallon of TruMoo below! Be sure to leave a comment telling me which TruMoo flavor you would like to try and your email address so I can contact the winner. Good luck!
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Felt Envelop for Daily Love Letter

Friday, January 30, 2015

During one of my frequent visits to Target I saw these darling little felt envelops for only A DOLLAR [each]!  My first thought was.... I must turn them into a Valentine Advent!  You know me and how much I love counting down to holidays.  We will be counting down with a love letter a day.

I took home three, attached some ribbon, and personalized each one with my loves names with puffy fabric paint.

I couldn't pick one kind of "I love you because" note so I printed out a whole lot of them!  I figure I would keep them on the counter so anyone can write a love note to whoever and place it in the envelop.  I will of course be writing one to the little lady and the hubby everyday.  Probably use a few for writing practice for the little lady to write to her daddy.

I use to love getting love letters.  I think the last time I really wrote them was when we were in high school.  I would write them to the hubby on my lined notebook paper, fold it into a heart and place it on his car or in his back pack.  Ha!

Twelve years later I'm trying to revive the love letter.   This is my first year trying this so I'm hoping it goes well.  Just couldn't pass up those adorable envelopes!

 Until next time.  Toodles!

Enter the Nutrisystem Pledge to Lose Contest

Thursday, January 29, 2015

It may not seem like it with all this snow hitting us but summer is right around the corner!  Every year I wait until the last minute and do a mad dash to get bikini ready.  We already booked our vacation at the lake this year and that means lots of fun in the water and hikes.  This year I don't want to wait until the week before the warm weather comes to try to get healthy but I want to start now!  I want to start while I still have 144 days and five hours to get my act together. I want to be able to hike up to the falls without getting out of breath just like we did two year ago. 

I #PledgeToLose while getting healthy and in shape.  I pledge to lose because I don't want to be the one covering up this summer.  I don't want to be the one they have to push through the trail on our hike.  I want to start eating healthy not just for me but for my family.  My hubby is always encouraging me to start eating right and now is the time.

What is the reason you want to #PledgeToLose?  Share why you #PledgeToLose weight and live healthier this year for a chance to win 3 months of Nurtisystem!  Wouldn't that be awesome!?  Not only a time saver for a busy mom like me but also a great way to start living a healthier life. You can enter now at Nutrisystem Pledge To Lose Contest

 For more than 40 years Nutrisystem has been providing quality foods and a nutritionally balanced meal program.  Meal plans feature 150 different options and can be customized specifically for you even if you have diabetes.  Check it out for yourself at Nutrisystem Diet Plans.  Nutrisystem also offers support with counseling from trained weight loss coaches, registered dietitians, an online community, and mobile apps.

Submit your entry today and you could be 1 of 15 winners randomly selected to receive the Nutrisystem sampler pack of the Decadent Delights 14-pack.  It's full of top-rated treats sure to make losing weight a little sweeter.  Would be perfect for me because I love my sweets!

Don't wait another day and enter the contest today!  Submit your pledge by February 2nd for your chance to win and be sure to Join Nutrisystem on Facebook.
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This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Nutrisystem for IZEA. All opinions are 100% mine.

What Snack is in Your Bag?

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Nothing brightens up my day more than having a yummy snack.  I know my little one feels the same way.  She gets super excited when I tell her she can have a snack and just like her mom she is the first one to pack a lunch bag of goodies when we are heading out.  Now, packing a snack for school will be a little more fun with her cute new Apple Park lunch bag.  I love it!!  

It was recently her turn to bring a snack to her preschool class and can you guess what I put in her little owl lunch bag?!

 Snack Pack® chocolate pudding!  She was pretty excited.   Snack Pack®  is a simple, wholesome snack that puts fun back in the lunchbox.  Now the lids are even easier to open.  Just look at that excitement!  It's a little special treat for the day and I have to admit, my hubby and I like eating it too. 
Snack Pack® pudding is of course completely nut free and sure to be a hit with her little preschool friends.  It's made with real non fat milk and fortified with as much calcium as an 8 ounce glass of milk.  We can snack guilt free too because Snack Pack® puddings contain no preservatives or high fructose corn syrup.   The new cups also come with easy open lids making life a little easier for me.  She can now open her own pudding cup instead of having to wait for me or watching me do it. 

Snack Pack® pudding is a win win snack just like her little lunch bag.  Apple Park has a ton of adorable lunch bags and so many different animals to choose from.  Did you know it's made from recycled water bottles?  Yes, I am one of those dorky mom's who appreciates things like that. 

Thank goodness we had extra pudding because she couldn't wait for school to have her special snack.  In our family we top our pudding with different toppings... daddy likes graham crackers or crushed cookies.  Sometimes it's sprinkles, cool whip, peanuts, gummy worms, or marshmallows.

  She loves Snack Pack chocolate pudding!  So much so the next day she asked if she could have it for snack again after I had finished home schooling her and her friend M.  How could I say no?   They got to roll the dice and count how many marshmallows went into the cup. 

Can't go wrong with chocolate pudding!  Can you guess what her favorite toppings are?
A video posted by Patty (@makeitcozeee) on

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This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Snack Pack for IZEA. All opinions are 100% mine.

Pray for Harper

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

About a week ago I saw this on Facebook and was wondering what had happened to our friends daughter Harper.  Cheryl is our friend from High School and on January 17th her precious 18 month old daughter Harper almost drowned.  

It broke my heart and since finding out I just get teary thinking about how hard it must be for them and for Harper.  I have been praying for sweet Harper and following the updates since I found out and am so pleased she is doing better.  You can read THIS article to find out what happened and follow the updates on the facebook page Praying for Harper.

Harper isn't out of the woods yet and still needs prayer and that is why I wanted to share this story with you.  Her MRI showed damage to her brain but the doctors don't know to what extent.  I believe that God can do a miracle and heal her completely. 

  Join me in praying that she continues to heal and they are able to take her home soon.  Pray for her parents Cheryl, Jeremiah and Harper's siblings.  If you would like to do more along with praying for this family, there is a Go Fund Me account set up for them HERE and a Take them a Meal HERE

So take the time today and say a little prayer for Harper.  

The Best Queso Dip

Friday, January 23, 2015

What do you get when you put Ro*Tel and Velveeta together?!  
A party!!  
You make this and the people will come.  It is the best queso dip.... zesty, creamy, irresistible and my favorite  easy.  [Seriously though.]  I wish I could take credit for discovering this addictive combination but I can't.  It came from my sister.  Whenever I make this Queso dip with Ro*Tel and Velveeta I always think of her.  She makes it for every family gathering, for birthday parties, and it is always a hit.
It's super easy to make.  Chop up the Velveeta cheese.  Pour the Ro*Tel on top and when it melts together serve with chips. Or wheat thins.  Or pour it on your hot dog.  It will make something good even better.  Sometimes I will put the Velveeta and Ro*Tel in my mini crock pot and let it cook itself and then turn it to warm when I'm ready to serve.  
Ever since she shared this Queso dip with me I too bring it to every event and people always talk about how good it is and ask what is in it.  They are so surprised to find out that it is just two simple ingredients... Ro*Tel and Velveeta.  People can't believe it is really that easy to make something that tastes so good!  I always have a can of Ro*tel and some Velveeta cheese in my pantry in case we have an impromptu visit from family or friends.  
I have to admit that it is also my hubby's favorite football snack and that is another reason why our pantry is always stocked with Ro*Tel and Velveeta. Definitely going to be making a big batch for Super Bowl Sunday.  
This picture proves it.  As I am taking a picture of the Queso dip...
He is asking me for more.  Ha! 
Visit Queso For All and find out what else you can add to your Queso dip to make it perfect for you. Be sure to like Ro*Tel Facebook and Velveeta Facebook too!

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of RO*TEL & VELVEETA for IZEA. All opinions are 100% mine.
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We Grew Snowflakes

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

When I was planning our crafts for January this one specifically caught my eye and I just thought it was so cool!  It reminded me of when I was a kid and how we tried to make rock candy with a string and sugar water.  That didn't work but these snowflakes actually did!

My love bug said we grew snow flakes and she is right!  It is so easy to do.  All you need is boiling water, borax, pipe cleaner, string, a pencil and some jars.  I already have borax because we make slime every once in awhile but you can find it in the laundry aisle.  It's so simple and it is pretty neat!

Once you boil the water, add three tablespoons for every cup of water.  Fill the jars.  Then make the pipe cleaners into snow flakes and attach the strings.  You can make blue snowflakes by using blue pipe cleaners or by adding blue food coloring to the water.  Let the mixture sit overnight.

The next morning it was so neat to see how our snowflakes went from fuzzy to crystallized!  She was amazed.  We grew snowflakes.  How fun!

Some snowflakes came out more crystallized than others and I really don't know why.  I know they aren't edible but I was tempted!  It looks so much like rock candy.

 Great way to share how God makes each snow flake different just like us.  He makes us each different and special.  If you have an older kid and want to explain the scientific phenomenon you can check THIS link out. 

I hung them up in our little window and if they make it to next year they may end up on the tree because they really are so pretty.  

Happy Snowy Wednesday!
 Until next time.  Toodles!

Capturing Memories from Bump to Baby

Monday, January 19, 2015

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Similac® StrongMoms® for IZEA. All opinions are 100% mine.
The moment I found out I was pregnant I wanted nothing but the best for that little munchkin making my belly expand.  As the bump grew I counted down the days until I could hold the little guy and put my finger into his tiny hand.  Oh it's amazing.  

Then the time came for him to enter this little world.  It was so exciting!  We were all in awe.  First finding out about him, watching him grow in the bump, and BAM a baby.  

From the start nurturing him to be the hefty little guy he is now was important to us.  I wish I would have known sooner about all that the Similac site had to offer.  Whether you are pregnant or a mom of an itty bitty this site has something for moms of any stage in the world of baby.  

Just take ten minutes browsing and I am sure you will find something informative.  Don't believe me?  If you don't have kids you may not understand how awesome this information is to new parents but they even have a section called the diaper decoder.  It explains why your baby has a certain kind of stool.  I know you have wondered at least once whether what you found when changing that diaper was normal.  This is golden information! 

I could sit here and go on and on about how much I love all the information on the site about breastfeeding, supplementing, switching from breast milk to formula, pregnancy nutrition.  Today when I logged in, they gave me a run down on what to expect when the little man is ten months.  Love it!  

The best part is, right now Similac is having an amazing Strong Moms Giveaway.  You could win the Grand Prize Gift pack that is worth over $15,000.
 “The designers and manufactures whose products are featured in the giveaway are neither sponsors of nor affiliated in any way with this giveaway, nor do they endorse products or services of others included within the prize. All trademarks and service marks included on such products or services are property of the respective designers and manufactures.”
 I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I win because that one lucky mom is going to win a dream prize!  

The giveaway is running from December 2nd to February 16th.  You can enter everyday for a chance to win instant prizes, which are just as fabulous.  Over 300 lucky moms will instantly win.
So head over and enter now and find out the rules There are so many benefits to joining.  You'll get nutritional guidance for a healthy pregnancy emails with tips and tools, savings on formula, and samples.  It's such an awesome site full of tools and resources for every mom out there.  Don't just take my word for it, go and check it out. Similac
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