
Tutorial: Screen Print Baby Onsies

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Guess what.... I'm two weeks away from having this baby boy!  Hip hip hooray!!   The doctor says I can technically go into labor any day, but I doubt this little man will give me the satisfaction of an early birth.  Anywhoo, if you are following me on Instagram or Facebook you would know it has been crafting mania at our house for the last two weeks.  Getting the nook finished, sewing up some hooded towels, and today I wanted to share the onsies we made. 

This was such an awesome craft to get the little lady ready for the new baby.  She helped me print out the designs and pretty much every step along the way.  I am so curious to see her reaction when she sees baby brother wearing the shirt she designed for him.

All you need are some onsies, fabric paint, and freezer paper.  You know I'm no stranger to fabric paint.... I've used it to make non slip socks and as a fabric stencil for the totes and the Barbie shirt.  There is a tutorial in both of those posts but I'll do a real fast refresher...  

You print the design on regular paper, trace it to non sticky side of the freezer paper, cut using an Xacto knife.  Be sure to save those little circles from the letters.  

Iron the design onto the onsies...

And let the fun begin.  You don't even need brushes I just let her use Q-tips to paint with.  She had a blast!

I just love how colorful she made them.

Once you are finished painting them be sure to let the onsies dry before you peel off the freezer paper.  

Her little enthusiastic self gave lots of OOhs and AAhhs when she saw the finished product.

This is the one I made hehe.  It may be offensive to some of you and I'm sorry for that but we think it's funny.  Only an adorable baby boy can really get away with wearing something like this. 

Here is the template if you want to print it out.

Once the onsies are dry be sure to heat seal the paint either by ironing or throwing them in the dryer for awhile.  If you don't do this, the paint could come off in the wash. 

So, if you want to make a custom onsie, or a shirt for a holiday like the upcoming St. Patty's Day, I say go for it!  It's really easy and a lot of fun for the little ones. 

Until next time... toodles!
Make It and Love It


  1. My favorite has to be the 'I love boobies". Good work, and your little helper is an artist. :)

    1. Thanks Kelley! I hope she grows up to love doing art. The boobie shirt is my favorite too lol

  2. I love it! The 'I love boobies' on is totally my favourite. Hopefully I'll be blessed enough to have a baby one day, and I can see that my other half would find that just as amusing as I do!

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