
Free Hungry Caterpillar Printable

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Seems like party season because I know so many people planning parties and especially birthdays!  I miss crafting and party planning,  so I have taken on a few projects from different parties to keep me busy.  

A few weeks back, Erin asked me to help her create printables for her son's 1st birthday party.  I am in love with the theme and will probably use it for Cindy's second birthday party [let the pinning begin]!  It has sentimental value for us too.  But the party theme is The Very Hungry Caterpillar.  Oh I just love it!  Because the book background is white, the printable was so easy to make, it took just a few minutes.   

Here is the caterpillar printable on my flickr account.  Just click actions and be sure to download the biggest size. You can print these from home or get them done at Staples.  Want a custom invitation?  Shoot me an email, I would love to come up with something for you. 

She is so adorable. Erin put them on little lollipops!  Aren't they precious?! [Thanks for emailing the picture Erin.]
I also created  a printable for all of the junk food available Here.

And then Cindy's favorite part of the book where the caterpillar eats through the fruit.  She just likes turning each of the little pages! Just click below:


And one where all the fruit is lined up RIGHT HERE
 Erin used them to make labels for the food!  I just love it!  

So, if you are planning a party or need these for a classroom activity, please feel free to use it and be sure to share what you did with it!! I love seeing the different ideas people come up with.  Thanks again Erin for sharing your pictures!
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  1. super cute! are you going to home school? I know it's a little early since she just turned 1

  2. I love the Very Hungry Caterpillar! There are so many fun things to do with this theme.

  3. Thankyou so much! I've been scouring the internet trying to find files big enough to use for tags for my son's 1st birthday party (VHC theme of course - can't wait!!). These printable are perfect. Thanks for sharing them!

  4. Thank you for sharing, I will love using these in my classroom!!

  5. Soooooo nice of you to share your clip art!

  6. The Very Hungry Caterpillar is one book that I DON'T need more stuff for. However, your things are SO cute that I can't resist. I know I will use them somehow with my children or in the classroom. Thank you. :)

  7. I am so glad I found this on Pinterest! My daughter's 1st birthday party is next weekend and this is the theme I chose because I love the book and love promoting healthy eating. Printing these will definitely save me the work of having to scan the pages in the book. Thank you so much! :)

  8. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your printables!!!This is perfect for my son's first birthday!!! Thanks so much!!! :)

  9. Thank you so much for these! They are awesome! I plan to use these with my Speech/Language students as an interactive activity. I will use a green pipe cleaner as a catepillar to push through the holes I punch in the foods. I will also figure out some way to clip wings onto the catepillar to turn him into a butterfly!

  10. Thank you so much, I will use them to my baby first b-day!!!

  11. Fabulous! I'm going to use these to make a feltboard story!
    Thank you so very much!

  12. Hello all the way from Ireland ! Found your site on Google and was delighted to see a big picture of the hungry caterpillar as I am hosting a girly 6 year old birthday party and it has a butterfly theme. Even over here in Ireland, the hungry caterpillar book is famous and much loved by kids, my daughter included.
    I will have the picture of the caterpillar printed on cardstock and when the kids see their goody bags lined up,( we call favour bags, goody bags) and go outside to play, I will hide the bags and put the caterpillar cutout in their place with a note telling the kids that the caterpillar is very hungry as he's going to turn into a butterfly soon so he needs to eat lots of leaves, but he's tired of eating leaves and wants something candies from their goody bags ! They had better hurry up and find their bags before the hungry caterpillar eats them all ! Nothing like a sense of panic to urge the kids on the treasure hunt !!
    So thank you for your bigger picture for our party. Lots of love from Ireland.

  13. Thanks so much for the printables! I am having a joint party for my 3 years old daughter and soon to ne 2 year old son! they both LOVE the VHC! Have banners, tablewear and am planning to serve all the fruits detailed in the book and putting a little sign in each using the printables! Even attenpting a VHC cake!

  14. Thank you so much for this. I am having a VHC party for my son's first birthday and this has saved me hours! Thank you for sharing an excellent resource!!!

  15. I just found these after googling Very Hungry Caterpillar - they are perfect for my little one's upcoming birthday. Thank you so much!

  16. Doing a baby shower with this theme. Thank you sooooo much for the printables!!!!

  17. Thank you thank you!

  18. What a life saver! I had no idea where I could get these are wonderful! Thank you for sharing!

  19. How do I print them?

  20. Thank you so much for creating! We'd love for you to share on our Eric Carle Linky to celebrate his birthday!

  21. Thanks so much for these....was attempting to do them myself for my little one's birthday...glad I didn't have to reinvent the wheel!

  22. Thanks so much! I am doing a K-ready summer school program and I turned your helpful printable pictures into a book for each kid, entitled "The Very Hungry _____________." Each page has this sentence: "__________ ate ___ apples (or whatever fruit it is)." I used your pictures to put the picture of the fruit under the sentence. The kids got to do a taste test as they wrote their names in for each fruit, and then counted and wrote that number. On the bottom of each page I put "Did I like it?" with a happy face and a sad face and then they circled which one applies to them. It took a while, but the kids loved it! Name writing, counting, number writing, and snack!

  23. Thank you so much, these are going to be perfect for my son's first birthday this weekend!

  24. hi there! how do i print these from your flickr account? thanks!

    1. Kat, please email me at and I can assist you further.

  25. Thank you so much for these!

  26. Thank you so much. I'm also holding a Hungry Caterpillar themed birthday party for my son's first birthday. I used some of your images for a Hungry Caterpillar themed Bingo game. You can see it here:

    I'll probably also use some of your images to label the fruit at our party too.

    Thanks again!

  27. These are lovely! Do you have the junk food available as individual files? I saw the food labels that Erin submitted and wanted to try that, but I seem to only be able to get it all in one file. Maybe I'm missing something!? Highly likely, but thought I would ask if there was a way I could download the foods individually.

  28. I'm at, by the way. Thanks!

  29. perfect for our hungry caterpillar unit! thank you!!!

  30. Hi!! I am doing the Very Hungry Caterpillar for my son's first Birthday in October and want to print the foods to put on toothpicks for decorations but I can't get them to print small enough. Any tips? Thanks!!

    1. Please give me your email so I can email them to you! I don't know how to contact you.

  31. Your idea is nice but exceptional ideas are shared by the commentators in comments. I also have an idea but I will share it after applying it.

  32. i am trying to print the food pictures and it keeps just printing the listed food on one page. Is there a way to print the food like you have it in the last picture? LOVE your printables!

  33. You are so generous for sharing these! I would love to use them for my daughter's birthday party, but I'm having a hard time printing them. Is there any way you could email the caterpillar and foods at Thank you!

  34. Patty, I tried to download the files but they wouldn't download could I please get the files? Thanks, Gwyn

  35. Do you make invitations? How can I contact you?

  36. i am going to make these as a thanksgiving present for my children and attach them to bamboo skewers so they can use them to retell the story like a puppet show type thing!

  37. OMG...thank you SO SO much for the free printables! I'm doing a VHC themed party for my daughter in a few months and have been looking for some good quality graphics for her party! You are amazing!!

  38. Thank You !! Can't wait to do this party for my son. I was hoping you had a free print of the leaf, that is the only thing I am missing. My email is


  39. I'm looking for just the leaf too! If you could email it to me I'd love it!

  40. Hi! Thank you so much for posting the printables. They are perfect for my daycares next unit.
    Could you please email me the leaf and individual junk foods?

  41. These printables are amazing! Thank you for posting them for us to use. If you do have a leaf , could you please email one to me as well?


  42. I would love to have the leaf also. I was wondering if you could email the labels as well. My email is


  43. These printables are awesome! Thank you so much for sharing. If you are willing to share the leaf picture, I would love to use it for my son's 1st birthday party. My email is

  44. Thank you so much for sharing these. I've been searching for something like this for a while, and these are absolutely perfect. So kind of you to share!

  45. These are wonderful thank you so very much for sharing I would love the leaf as well please if you could email me a copy to that would be awesome Thanks!!

  46. Wow! This is awesome!! If you don't mind, I'd love to have the leave and labels as well. I'm planning for my little Lawson's 1st birthday in July!

  47. These are fantastic! Thank you so much for sharing them. Are you able to e-mail the files? I'm having a difficult time with them on flickr. My e-mail is Thanks in advance!

  48. Way cool. I did notice that it's missing the leaf, caccoon, and butterfly pics. Did you have those too? I would love to have a complete set.

  49. Hello from perth Australia! You're fantastic for sharing! Could you pretty please email me the leaf and labels too? Thank you kindly.

  50. Thanks so much for sharing Patty you are amazing. Could you please email me the files as I too am having some problems downloading. And again thank you for being so generous.
    Maria (

  51. Thank you so much for sharing, these will be really helpful to plan for my baby boy's 1 year birthday party.

  52. Hi. I would love to use these lovely images in my pre-school class but I am having a hard time printing them. Could you please e-mail me the junk food as well as the fruits images? Thanks in advance.

    Ann (

  53. Hi I would Like you to Email methe catapillar file as I would like to convert it into Embroidery My Email is Thankyou so much

  54. Thanks a lot for sharing this! It's really helpful for my lesson plan for my kids at the childcare! <:

  55. Hi, I just found your amazing resource on pin interest and would love to use this resource in my early childhood classroom. I am having trouble accessing the files to print and was wondering if it would be possible for you to email them to me. I was after individual images of the junk food, the leave and the fruit so i can create something similar to the one in your last image. I was also wondering if you had an image of the butterfly as well? Thanks in advance for sharing this amazing resource.
    My email is

  56. These are so fabulous! Could you possibly email them to me so I can use them for my son's second birthday that is coming up? Thanks a ton. So generous of you.

  57. wow, what a great idea. could you please email me the printables with the junk foods and leaf. thank you so much.

  58. these are adorable!! can't wait to use for our son's 3rd bday!! thanks so much!!

  59. thanks!!! I dont have the book and i wanted to use it for my classes and you gave me a great idea. Thank you so much.

  60. Can you send me all the printables?

  61. Hi would you be able to also send me the printables of the junk foods and the big caterpillar? I would like to make a banner with the caterpillar and under it I would like it to say "Happy 1st Birthday Isabella" not sure if that is an option. I would take it to staples to print it. Is there any way for me to do that? My email is

  62. Hi, these are just fab. Could you also please send me the printables of the separate junk food, the leaf and butterfly. They'll be super for my son's 2nd birthday. Please send to
    Thanks in advance

  63. Your party is just darling. It's obvious you put so much work and love into it. Thank you so much for making the printables available!! It is wonderful of you! They will be perfect for the VHC party I'm planning :)

    If you have the cocoon, butterfly and leaf, I would love to get them too. My email is

    Thanks again!

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. Thank You so Much for Sharing!!! These are great, I just can't seem to get them to print small enough?!?! If you don't mind I would love to have them emailed!
    Thanks Again!

  66. Thank You so Much for Sharing!!! These are great, I just can't seem to get them to print small enough?!?! If you don't mind I would love to have them emailed!
    Thanks Again!

  67. Thank You so Much for Sharing!!! These are great, I just can't seem to get them to print small enough?!?! If you don't mind I would love to have them emailed!
    Thanks Again!

  68. Can you please email me the image files? This will be perfect for my son's 1st birthday in November! I'd like all the food, the caterpillar, and the leaf. Thanks so much!

  69. Thanks so much for sharing these. Kristti @

  70. The tags do you have a machine for easily cutting send me an email:

  71. Hi, would love the caterpillar file as invites. If you could kindly email me the food, leaf and caterpillar.
    Thank u :)

  72. Hi, would love the caterpillar file as invites. If you could kindly email me the food, leaf and caterpillar.
    Thank u :)

  73. Hi. I am trying to get a headstart on my sons 1st birthday and the very hungry caterpillar is the theme. Could you email me the available printables? Thank you

  74. Thank you so much for for sharing all of your printables. This is going to be a lifesaver. Due to a few family issues, all our birthday plans fell through and we had to start all over again. I am finally starting to think that this first birthday may just come together. Thank you so much!

  75. I am also using this theme for my sons birthday. Can you please send me the files? I am also a teacher that would love to use these in my classroom.

  76. I am also using this theme for my sons birthday. Can you please send me the files? I am also a teacher that would love to use these in my classroom.

  77. Thank you so much for sharing these! I'm planning my son's first birthday and would love to use these. Is there anyway that you could send them via email or help me understand how to print them? My email is Thank you!!!!

  78. Thank you so much for posting the hungry caterpillar clip art! Do you have one for the butterfly? I am decorating my children's bathroom. My email is

  79. My Grandson's 1st birthday is in 2 weeks & I searched everywhere for the food labels & here you are! Soooo glad I found you! Thanks so much for sharing all of the items for this theme.

    1. Tammy I don't know your email can you please let me know so i can send it to you

  80. Hi Patty,
    My son's birthday party is coming up and I'd love to have a copy of all the VHC labels! Thank you so much for providing these!
    A grateful fellow AF wife and SAHM,
    Christina Menze (

  81. Thank you for all these cute printables and party ideas. :)

  82. Hi!! Could you please email the files for the printables. My son's VHC is next week and these are perfect!!!


  83. These are AWESOME!!! Thank you so much for sharing your talents with the rest of us "less fortunate"! I just decided on this theme for my little girl's 1 yr BD party. I can't wait! I see that others have asked for other graphics (butterfly, leaf, cocoon, etc). Are those available? I'd love to have them too!


  84. Hi These are soooo adorable! I am doing my sons birthday in this theme. Could you e mail me any other graphics you have available? I would really appreciate it! This is going to make the party even more special!


  85. Thank you for the printables! I am wondering if you could email me the leaf, the individual foods, and if you by chance have any of the colored dots and the butterfly! Would be greatly appreciated

  86. Love the graphic. I am doing this for my son's birthday party. Any chance you could email me the food or the backgrounds?

  87. If you are emailing out the leaf image, I'd love a copy! Thanks!

  88. This is amazing! Thank you for the hard work you put into these! My little baby boy is turning one tomorrow and I would love to use these to label the foods! I'd love it if you could please email me the images and leaf at Thank you so so so so much!!! :)

  89. Thank you so much! But just before I printed them I noticed that there is a spelling mistake in chocolate. Could you email me an amended copy? to Thanks!

  90. My baby is turning 1 next sunday and i would like to use the labels you have. Can you please email me the image of the caterpillar i cant seem to be able to get it on your flicker account.
    thank you soooo much!

  91. I love your VHC printables! I'm so excited to use them next month for my son's first birthday. Could you please email me the individual food pictures, the leaf, and the butterfly? Thanks so much!

  92. I'm sure you're getting tired of everyone asking, but could I also get the ind. pics? Thanks in advance

  93. I too am preparing for my son's 1st birthday party and these are by far the best images I have come across. I would love it if you could send me the file so I could adjust the sizes accordingly.

    Thanks in advance!

  94. I would also like them emailed, I could not find the leaf picture on flicker. Thank you in advance! The are amazing and will be great for my sons first birthday!!

  95. So excited to find these. could you e-mail me the individual food pics as well as the food pics with the text, you know the ones such as on Monday he ate through one orange, etc. thanks!

  96. please email them to me also. the individual food pics.

  97. So excited to find these. could you e-mail me the individual food pics as well as the food pics with the text, you know the ones such as on Monday he ate through one orange, etc. thanks!

  98. Thank you thank you thank you, Patty! I've been searching the internet/Pintrest for VHC party ideas and materials and these images are just what I needed. I haven't tried printing them yet so I'd love the files just in case I run into any issues. Thanks again!

  99. Could yo e mail me all the printables at thanks!!!

  100. These are wonderful! If they are still available I'd love the individual food pictures, butterfly and leaf! Thank you so much for posting them, currently planning my miracle baby's first birthday!!
    My email is
    Thank you!!!

  101. Any chance you could email them to me?! Our party is next month :)

  102. Hi Patty! I don't know if you're still checking this post, but I'm planning a hungry caterpillar party for my son and would LOVE to use these, but I can't download them from Flickr! I would so appreciate it if you could email me the files (and the leaf, butterfly, and dots if you happen to have those!). My address is katieabarnhill (at) gmail (dot) com. Thank you so much in advance!!!

  103. Are these printable still available? I'd love the bundle -

  104. Please email this bundle to me as well, please, if they are still available! Thank you!

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  106. Thank you thank you thank you, Patty! I've been searching the internet/Pintrest for VHC party ideas and materials and these images are just what I needed.
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  108. Hi Patty. thank you so much for posting this. I've been searching everywhere for fun party ideas for my baby's first birthday i just love these. not sure if you're still checking this post but if you are would you mind emailing all the printables as I'm having a hard time downloading them. Also would love if you could give me any good suggestions for an invite . my email is love from Ireland

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  124. Hi - would you be able to email the invite format to me, i tired downloading it and printing it out but the quality of the colour isn't very bright unfortunately , email add is


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