
A Glimmer of Hope

Monday, August 15, 2011

Ninty percent of my "summer" has been bombarded with rain and clouds.  Yup, the weather sucked and has since the day we got back from vacation.  But this morning [which started out wonderful since Boo slept for 11 hours!!]... the sun was out, the weather was nice, and there wasn't a storm cloud in the sky!  So we put on our shorts, sandals, grabbed Big Bessy [my new camera], and were off for a stroll on the beautiful trail down the street.  Wanna come with?

It was perfect!  Would it be silly to hope that the weather stays like this?!  Today gave me a glimmer of hope that summer might just come for a visit.  The sun was actually shining so much I had to let Boo have a break in the shade.  She went ahead and let me know she was hungry so we took a nice long rest and she ate.

I let Charlie loose so he can sniff around.  I wanted to get a good picture of him but he kept moving and walking to me so this was the best I could get.

It was a nice little stroll until this... Slug you say?  NOPE!  It is the ickiest dog poop I have ever seen [1 of 4] and I accidently stepped on it [not this one but the one before].

But this is a slug.  We happen to have the biggest slugs I have ever seen in my life!  Groosss!!

Once we reached the creepy tunnel I stopped and turned around.  What's on the other side is actually breath taking but I don't like to walk in the dark without the hubby.  It gives me the willies.

And on the way back, Boo fell asleep [she must be gowing through a growth spurt].  She is just the cutest when she sleeps!  And check out her cute butterfly sandals!!

Isn't this trail so beautiful?!  I am definitely a small town girl at heart.  I love nature.  What made it even better was new camera!  I had so much fun taking pictures.  It sure is tough though with all these elements out of your control like the sun who kept playing peek a boo behind the clouds!

Hope you enjoyed walking with us!  And as I promised I actually got some crafting done and there are new Cozees posted on my facebook page.

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